Eat More Foods High in Vitamin D to Prevent Many Diseases
Vitamin D is essential for the body to properly absorb calcium, which is important for the body to form and maintain healthy bones.
Research also suggests that Vitamin D can play a role in preventing osteoporosis, high blood pressure, as well as cancer.
It has important immune functions and it aids the body in reducing inflammation.
There is no doubt that it is an essential vitamin for our bodies, but recent studies have shown that many adults and children do not get the daily recommended amount of Vitamin D.
The most superior way to get Vitamin D is through your diet.
Although there are not a lot of foods that are high in Vitamin D, you should still be able to eat at least one of two Vitamin D rich foods each day.
Here is a list of the foods that are the richest sources of Vitamin D.
- Cod Liver Oil: 1,360 IU per serving - Salmon: 360 IU per serving - Mackerel: 345 IU per serving - Tuna Fish: 300 IU per serving - Sardines: 250 IU per serving - 1 cup of fortified milk: 98 IU per serving - 1 whole egg: 20 IU per serving Sun exposure is also a great way to get your daily dose of Vitamin D.
UV rays from the sun are what triggers the production of Vitamin D.
You need about 10 to 15 minutes of direct sunlight exposure (sunscreen blocks the production of Vitamin D) is enough time for Vitamin D synthesis to occur.
Two to three times a week of sun exposure is enough to get your weekly requirement of Vitamin D.
If you don't get in the sun for 15 minutes at least twice a week and you do not eat foods that are high in Vitamin D then it is recommended that you take a quality Vitamin D supplement each day.
Research also suggests that Vitamin D can play a role in preventing osteoporosis, high blood pressure, as well as cancer.
It has important immune functions and it aids the body in reducing inflammation.
There is no doubt that it is an essential vitamin for our bodies, but recent studies have shown that many adults and children do not get the daily recommended amount of Vitamin D.
The most superior way to get Vitamin D is through your diet.
Although there are not a lot of foods that are high in Vitamin D, you should still be able to eat at least one of two Vitamin D rich foods each day.
Here is a list of the foods that are the richest sources of Vitamin D.
- Cod Liver Oil: 1,360 IU per serving - Salmon: 360 IU per serving - Mackerel: 345 IU per serving - Tuna Fish: 300 IU per serving - Sardines: 250 IU per serving - 1 cup of fortified milk: 98 IU per serving - 1 whole egg: 20 IU per serving Sun exposure is also a great way to get your daily dose of Vitamin D.
UV rays from the sun are what triggers the production of Vitamin D.
You need about 10 to 15 minutes of direct sunlight exposure (sunscreen blocks the production of Vitamin D) is enough time for Vitamin D synthesis to occur.
Two to three times a week of sun exposure is enough to get your weekly requirement of Vitamin D.
If you don't get in the sun for 15 minutes at least twice a week and you do not eat foods that are high in Vitamin D then it is recommended that you take a quality Vitamin D supplement each day.