- Weeds compete with pea plants for water, space and soil nutrients. Weeds produce seeds and rapidly spread in vegetable gardens. Insects and other pests use thick weeds as cover for garden raids. Tall weeds hinder harvest access and block airflow.
- Shallow cultivation around young plants discourages weeds. Hoeing and tilling on sunny days uproots weeds and exposes them to drying air. Hand-pull weeds while they are young, preferably less than 3 inches tall. Waiting until weeds mature makes them harder to pull and can disturb pea plant roots.
- Mulch reduces water evaporation and discourages weeds. Organic mulches around pea plants slowly release nutrients into the soil. Black plastic mulches smother weeds, warm soil and conserve water. Transplanted peas are tucked into holes cut through the plastic.
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