Home & Garden Trees & Houseplants

Brown Leaves on Persimmon Trees


    • Mites are a type of arachnid that infest many species of trees and can drain them of nutrients, making the tree weak and more susceptible to damage and other problems. Brown leaves and the presence of the insects, usually on the underside of the leaves, can indicate a mite problem. Treat the tree with a pesticide.


    • Anthracnose is a fungus that thrives in wet soil or standing water around the base of the tree. It can cause the leaves of a persimmon tree to turn brown and fall off. Anthracnose can be treated with a fungicide. Remove any fallen leaves and make sure the soil around the base of the tree is irrigated.

    Root Rot

    • Root rot is a fungal disease that can affect persimmon trees. According to the University of California Davis, root rot can cause leaves to become discolored, stunted and die off of the tree. Other signs of root rot include a streaked brown or gray color beneath the bark and dying twigs. Root rot can be treated by improving the drainage of the soil around the persimmon.

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