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MLM and You - Married Or Just Dating?

I have personally made several attempts at MLM.
The current one will be the most successful for one reason: I am finally "all in" and totally committed.
We all need to balance work and family.
You have likely heard stories about busy executives whose marriage failed or their children won't speak to them because they were never at home.
I would never suggest that anyone give up their family totally to build their business.
There is, however, good reason to explain to your family the dedication it will require to get where you want to be.
You just need to set a time frame (not forever!) There must be some limits or parameters also on certain events that will not be missed.
Many couples have a "date night" that is sacred and no meetings or calls are allowed on that night.
A family night is also good if you have children at home.
Anyway, you get the idea.
Don't make your family hate you! What good is financial freedom if you have nobody to spend your time and money with? There is a big difference between being a corporate executive and being a successful network marketer.
In MLM, you can build that large income with a great team of people in 5 years or less, and keep the team going (and the checks coming) without working "full time".
If you develop leaders who have the same vision, they will work on their own and you won't be needed as much.
You aren't running the company so you are not responsible for the company vision or direction.
Your "job" is to develop those leaders and turn them loose! Many executives only earn the money if they work 60 or more hours per week until retirement.
Your family will be more willing to sacrifice for a few years than for a few decades.
So we need dedication within limits.
But what we so often see, and what I am guilty of in my past endeavors, is people looking for fast and easy money and not wanting to work at all! They use their family or their hobbies or other activities as excuses.
These people are just dating their business opportunity.
They are not really in love or committed or married to it.
Until that happens they will not be very successful.
It really is much like a successful marriage when you think about it.
Nothing comes without a price, but neither can the price be too high.
You do need to work to build a legitimate business but you should not let it beat you up and wear you out completely.
And it does take time.
How long were you married before you really understood your spouse? Constant study, practice, and self-development makes us better in a marriage and also better at MLM.
The truth is you are never perfect at it; you evolve over time.
It is a process! When you were dating, if you found out the other person wasn't right for you, you moved on.
Did you ever look back and think you moved on too soon? Some people leave a company for the next best thing every time they hear about something new! You should investigate your opportunity closely when you join, and keep your eyes and ears open as time goes on.
If you find something unacceptable then of course you should move on.
Many people skip that step in the beginning, and then let emotion take over, only to get burned down the road.
But if it is a good opportunity and nothing is happening for you personally, check your level of commitment and make sure you are "all in.
" Find that great company, marry it, work with it, and don't get a divorce unless it is truly necessary!

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