Health & Medical Self-Improvement

Why Worry When You Can Work?

It's Saturday morning, and as I was in the living room, relaxing with the purple bougainvillea in view, out the front window, I felt a little twinge of anxiety.
What's different about this twinge is I felt it, and didn't squelch it.
I tuned into it, asking what it was telling me, this slight tightness in my gut.
The answer is I was about to worry about something.
I hadn't started yet, but I knew my mind would dredge up something; it was too peaceful a scene outdoors, and in, for me to just be tranquil about it.
And at that moment of perception, the words came to me: Why worry when you can work? I've found in good times and bad, happy and sad, work is the great elixir that helps me to feel better, on the spot.
When I feel I'm producing, that's when I'm relaxing.
I'm certain this taps into a survival program that's somewhere in my unconscious or my genetic code.
When you think about it, working, as an alternative to worrying, is just a super idea: (1)It takes your mind off of negativity.
(2)You actually get something done, of which you can be proud.
(3)By accomplishing, you're setting the stage to receive other rewards, such as income or its equivalent, and this will probably stave off some of the disasters you're worrying about.
So, the next time you feel anxious, and you don't know why, don't dwell on it.
Put yourself to work, instead, and you'll be a lot better off!

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