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Things To Know About Full Color Printing

Printing a full-color image is surely a complex procedure that involves a lot of step by step processing. A fundamental awareness is very much necessary for printers and also significant for designers who are into planning as well as giving out the best possible layouts. Its true that print buyers must always be aware of a few issues that they come across when they purchase a color work.

What is Full Color Printing? This is in fact an interesting thing to answer; in short, a Full color printing is a method by which printing photographs and other type of paper works in full spectrum of color. Its notable to mention here that, full color printing has changed and improved a lot as times change and as technology keeps traveling towards advancement in every stage. In actual fact, we can say that the techniques that are being used these days are very much sophisticated as well as highly developed that it is highly practical to create copies that look so much identical to the original photos or any documents and paper works that we desire to reproduce.

Reproduction of color travels on something called and known to be as the three-color vision theory that is told based on the way the how a human eye sees the color. We all know that the white light that has the full wavelengths of visible light has three primary colors, which are red, green, and blue. These colors are most usually known to be as the RGB among professional printers. RGB is known to be the additive primaries as lights of them generate white light whenever they are being added together and this is the fundamental logic on which the concept of color printing is built upon.

Now that we know about the reproduction of colors, lets know about the process of color separation. The process by which colors are separated happens just like how the process of seeing happens. What happens is that, the image that is to be reproduced is observed using filters and they are totally three in number. Each one of the filter is kept parallel to each of the additive primaries. In simpler words you can say that it happens like how humans basically see things in layers. The process of distinguishing the colors happens in separate colors but they are all at the same time together actually.

When you know the process of photography works, then you will know the process used in full color printing as well. One can find a red filter that is normally placed over a camera or sometimes will be having a full color printing lens for producing a negative of the red light. One can even observe that blue and green areas left behind when a positive print is created and this gives cyan color. Same way when the green filter gives a positive of red and blue, it gives out magenta color. Then the blue filter leaves behind the red and green color to give out yellow.

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