Health & Medical Self-Improvement

Organizing Your Life One Small Step at a Time

Time is a great equalizer.
No matter who you are, how much money you have, or where you live on earth, we all have the same twenty-four hours a day.
Your time is a valuable source, and you don't want to waste it.
These time-saving, organizing your life tips will help you become more efficient and enjoy life more fully.
What is an hour of your time worth? If you are paid a salary or have other earned income have you every figured out your hourly wage? This is helpful in determining if you would benefit from paying someone else less than your hourly rate to do some of the chores and errands you don't like to do or don't have time to do.
That way you will have time to do the work that pays you more or free up time for relaxation or rejuvenation.
Is it difficult for you to say "no" to someone when they ask a favor? Instead of saying "yes" right away and regretting it later, tell them you need twenty-four hours to think about it.
When you call back to say "no", suggest someone else who may be able to lend a hand.
Eventually, you will be able to tactfully say "no" right away.
Do your "to do" lists take up several pages? No wonder you feel discouraged by what is not crossed off! An important organizing your life tip to help you be more effective on a daily basis is to identify only three top priorities, or for those that want more items on their list they can adopt the popular technique of writing down the six most important things to do each day.
What a feeling of accomplishment when you cross off each task from your "to do"' list whether it contains three or six items! Have you ever thought of writing a "not to do" list? This list would include any task you can delegate to someone else, things you do just to please others, or any job whose completion is of little or no consequence.
This organizing tip takes practice but is well worth it in the long run! If you are feeling overwhelmed because there is just too much to do, come up with a plan and a timeline.
Even if it is a very simple plan with only one or two things that you want to accomplish and a timeline to go along with it.
The feeling of accomplishment when you are successfully finished will be incentive to continue this process going forward.

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