Health & Medical Yoga

How to Do the Both Feet to Head Yoga Pose

    • 1). Sit in staff pose with your legs extended, feet flexed and spine erect. Bend your knees and bring the bottoms of your feet together. Drop your knees and draw the heels as near to your groin as you comfortably can.

    • 2). Extend your arms in front of you and firmly grip your heels. Exhale as you lift your legs from the ground. Keep your feet together and bend your arms. Allow your elbows to slip under your knees so that your legs are wrapped around and resting on your upper arms.

    • 3). Release your heals and place your hands in a prayer position at your chest. Hold while balancing carefully on your sitting bones, or move to the full pose.

    • 4). Lift your right foot overhead and allow your shin to drop behind your head. Lift the left leg and cross the left ankle over the right, both feet resting behind your head.

    • 5). Hold your most advanced position for five deep breaths. Exhale as your release your legs and gently come to a seated position. Extend your legs in front of you and rest in the staff pose.

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