Health & Medical Yoga

Hatha Gong Yoga at Spirit of Yoga

As a Video Producer and Media Specialist for Southwest Institute of Healing Arts, I get the rare honor and opportunity to witness a lot of really interesting things; full sessions of Hypnotherapy (amazing), Transformational Life Coaching, Auriculotherapy with KC Miller, Toe Reading/Soul Coaching (absolutely beautiful), Aromatherapy Therapeutic Touch, Neurolinguistic Programming, Baby Massage (way cute), Whole Foods Cooking (yummy leftovers), and the creation of a Yoga Wall right before my eyes, to name a few.  As the resident ‘fly on the wall', I could tell you a few things about the content of some of the videos I've shot. A better idea would be to take the class and get the DVD for yourself.

Also as part of my job, I get the opportunity to take photographs at and around SWIHA for marketing and for Online Education, as well as portraits of the beautiful souls who work here when needed for the web sites or to post in the Student Services reception area.

Before beginning a candid video or photo shoot, one of my usual modus operandi is to announce, "I am invisible!"  Believe it or not, it often works and I can move about rolling video or snapping pics without as much as a glance.  If Harry Potter's cloak was real, this would be what it must feel like. I am often sprawling out on the floor or contorting myself into corners to get ‘the shot' and no one notices.  So fun!

One experience as of late is sticking in my mind.  I was called upon to take some photos for marketing and promotional purposes of a Hatha Gong Yoga class at Spirit of Yoga.  In yoga I consider myself a novice, although I began practicing many years ago, long before becoming part of SWIHA's staff.  One of the many yoga philosophies I love is "Always a Practice, Never a Perfect".  Primarily I have stuck with Classical Hatha, Flow and Power yoga.  I had never been to a Gong class and was not sure what to expect.  I was not sure if I would like the sound of the gong. So in yogic fashion, I left my expectations floating away, like a helium balloon intentionally released into the sky.

With this in mind, I entered the yoga studio for the Hatha Gong photo shoot and set my camera gear in the corner with nary a notice.  The students knew I was there, but they were clearly there to enjoy their yoga experience.  Class began as yoga classes do, with centering, breathing, inner focus and setting of intentions.  Man I heart yoga.

Not long into the class, instructor Duane Armitage struck the gong to seal and deepen the pose that was being held.  Wow.  The tone and vibration was amazing!  As the class continued and I snapped the photos, I could feel how the sound resonated with each individual practitioner around and within the room, and how the varying vibrations that Duane drew out of the gong complimented each different asana.  It is a surprisingly truly beautiful sound; fluid, elastic, like an electromagnetic wave. The gong fully filled and sealed each posture with a soul-filling, resonating tone.  I was in love.

The following Friday I had the opportunity to take my first Kundalini Yoga class taught by Aradhana Kaur.  Absolutely loved it.  Sat Nam! As a wonderful added bonus, Duane Armitage closed the class Shavasana with an astounding Gong Meditation.

Duane is the creator of SOY's Hatha-Gong class and says the vibration of the Gong assists in moving energy through the body and activating the chakras.  Now that I have seen—and heard–it for myself, I understand.

I can't wait to take a Hatha Gong class at Spirit Of Yoga.  If you haven't yet tried it, hope you take the opportunity soon!  Namasté! ~ Merry Lucero

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