Health & Medical Yoga

What Are the Features of a Bikram Yoga Mat?

Samantha loved taking her regular yoga class but was ready to take her yoga experience to the next level.
She had heard many great things about hot yoga, including that this type of class offered deeper stretching and toning benefits and that it also promoted the release of toxins through extra sweating.
Samantha was eager to enjoy these benefits, but she knew that she needed to invest in a Bikram yoga mat because her normal yoga mat was not suited for this type of class.
Many times when you try a new activity, you will need to invest in equipment and gear that is suited for that activity.
Samantha knew this was the case with hot yoga as well because her regular mat was simply not appropriate for this type of class.
As Samantha began looking around for the best yoga mat possible for this class, she wondered what the features of a Bikram yoga mat.
Are you also wondering what features to look for in a mat for hot yoga? • Extra Absorbent.
Hot yoga takes place in a very hot room to promote sweating and rid your body of toxins while at the same time promote deeper stretching.
Hot yoga encourages incredible amounts of perspiration, and so you want to get an extra absorbent mat to accommodate this level of sweating.
• Super Sticky.
Many yoga mats are designed to with a non-slip feature in mind, but a Bikram yoga mat is designed to be extra sticky even when saturated with sweat.
This is important to ensure you are safe and not slipping around while you assume your poses.
• Various Materials.
Some types of mats are traditionally made of just one type of fabric, but with these mats you will have several material choices including bamboo, foam, cotton, and more.
The most important thing to keep in mind is that you want a material that is breathable, absorbent, and of the appropriate thickness to ensure you are comfortable during your class.
While Samantha had not yet attended her first class, she knew that she wanted to be prepared for hot yoga by purchasing a Bikram yoga mat.
This type of mat is specifically designed to accommodate the incredible amount of perspiration you will experience in such a class.
There are many options to choose from in various attractive styles, so take time to find the right mat for you.

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