How to Improve Posture With Purvottanasana Yoga Pose
- 1). Begin by identifying what a healthy posture feels like. A healthy posture is what is found in Tadasana, or Mountain Pose. The feet are together or apart hip-width distance, chest tall, collar bones wide, arms by the sides and while the head is extending away from the hips, the tailbone is heavy towards the heels to create extension from both ends of the spine.
- 2). Sit in Sukhasana, or Easy Pose by sitting in a comfortable, cross-legged position. Cross the legs at the center of the calves and flex the feet so the outer edges of your feet touch the floor and you are not sitting on the outer ankle bones.Place your hands behind you so that you stay up on your fingertips. Lift the chest, look forward, chin level to the floor. Expand the chest as you widen the collar bones and draw the shoulder blades down the back. Draw the shoulder heads (the bulky part of your shoulders) straight back. Doing this will imprint a broadness in the chest and upper back.
- 3). Move onto Reverse Table Pose, a preparation for Purvattanasana. Sit with your legs extended straight out in front of your so that the big toes and knee caps face up towards the ceiling: this places your hips in a neutral rotation.Set your palms flat behind you so that each shoulder is directly over its own wrist. Press into the feet to lift the chest and bend the knees. Pressing your hands and feet into the floor, extend your spine straight to form a straight “table top.” Look to the ceiling and as you draw the shoulder blades down your back, lower your chin so it is not tilted up. Do not let your head drop back and hang off the neck. Remain in Reverse Table Pose for 15 to 20 seconds. Sit to rest. Repeat 2 to 3 more times. Rest.
- 4). Proceed to Purvotanasana by placing your hands behind you on the floor as you did for Reverse Table Pose. This time as you press into the hands, lift the chest and hips off your mat and extend your legs to straight.Your body will form a long plank shape. Continue pressing into the palms and feet to not allow your hips to sink. As you did in Sukhasana, widen the collarbones and draw the shoulder blades down towards your waist. Remain in Purvattanasana for 20 to 30 seconds. Rest by lowering the hips down to sit in Sukhasana.