Technology Software

Conferencing Service: Information Businesses - How to Profit From Teleconferencing

While teleconferencing is used mostly nowadays for staff meetings, it can also be utilised to generate additional income.
Information business, or those that sell information, are at the best position to take advantage of the telephone conference method to make some extra profits.
Here are some of the ways you can use this service to raise your bottom line.
The first thing you can do is to sell the recording of the call.
You can then use the profits from the recording to offset your costs from using a conferencing service.
And yes, apparently, you can record conference calls although not all providers give you this option.
Once recorded, you can sell the audio to your clients.
You can also repurpose it by synching the audio with a PowerPoint presentation.
Then, sell it as a video.
You can also have the call transcribed and sold as an e-book.
All it takes is a bit of creativity and your recorded call can bring you extra dollars.
Another method for you to earn money from teleconferencing is by advertisements.
You can contact companies or individuals who might be interested in having their products or services advertised during the call.
It is a good advertising platform because the audience is a "distilled" target market.
For example, you will hold a phone conference on grooming dogs.
You can contact local veterinarians, pet parlours, and even dog food stores to advertise with you.
You can solicit a good amount from them as you are advertising their names to a much targeted audience.
You can also sell "tickets" for the call.
A good conferencing service provider will allow you to set passwords for the dial-in.
This means before someone can join the call, he must be able to provide the password.
Use this as an opportunity to make money.
Going with the example above, you can ask prospects to pay you $10 for the entrance to the teleconferencing call.
Those are really interested in the topic will barely mind paying a small sum.
Now, if you attracted 10 prospects and held an hour-long call, including the question and answer portion, it means you made $100 in 60 minutes.
Not a bad hour.
Teleconferencing can also be used to promote your own products and services.
It's like advertising, except that you are promoting your own stuff.
After giving out valuable information to your listeners, invite them to visit your shop or your website, where they can buy from you or seek your services.

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