Health & Medical Yoga

Five of the Best Brainwaves for Meditation

Many in the medical and scientific community are becoming more and more interested in brainwave activity, not just in normal every day life, but also for brainwaves meditation.
There are five different types of brainwaves, and in this article we will briefly describe each of them and how they relate to meditation.
Gamma waves are the highest state of mind, where you have an extremely focused mind.
You are in this state when you are excited, like during sex, but it is also a time when you can focus your energy the best.
It is also one of the hardest to deal with in meditation, because this is the state of mind which so much is going on.
However, it is also one of the most powerful states of mind, and meditation with this brainwave will have the strongest results.
Beta waves is the conscious mind, a waking state.
This state has 14 cycles a minute or more.
While this is the most common of the brain waves, it can at times be the most difficult to meditate with because this state of mind doesn't like change too much.
Logical, methodical thinking is what it is comfortable with.
However, this state of mind can also produce powerful energy, and is used for meditation that is geared towards focusing the mind on certain tasks, rituals or meditations.
For an example, getting more excited about something makes the beta waves cycle faster, allowing you to put more energy into your meditation.
The next best brainwave for meditation is the alpha state.
These brainwaves operate at a much lower vibration, from 7-14 cycles a second.
This is a trance like state, the body is no longer felt, the start of true meditation and also for sleep.
In this brainwave state, the mind is more open to suggestion, like when you are hypnotized.
This is one of the easiest states for meditation, especially if you are meditating to influence personal growth.
Using these brainwaves we can reprogram not just our own minds, but also the minds of others as they are sleeping or in a hypnotic state.
This is partly why most people tend to meditate at night, or perform spell casting.
Daydreaming, sleep dreaming, and even psychic phenomenon may occur during this brainwave state of mind.
Theta brainwaves operate at just 4-7 cycles a second.
This is the state of mind that is much more open to deeper levels of meditation, and is where you are going to experience the deeper states of the psychic and astral world.
It is also where deep emotions are recorded in the brain, and this is a state of mind which is most influenced by meditations that relate to past experiences.
While you can have psychic experiences can happen in these other higher cycles, for the most profound experiences, you need to be at the theta level.
A person can achieve enlightenment, enter different dimensions, and even experience astral projection, and mental communication with others far away.
Delta brainwaves are just 0-4 cycles per second, and is a state of total unconsciousness, or coma.
While you can achieve a certain level of meditation in this state of mind, you have to make sure you have programmed yourself before you get to this state or you may not remember your session.
There is an abundance of information on the different levels and states of brainwave activities.
Knowing each of these states is a vital part of using brainwaves meditation techniques to achieve your goals.
You can find out more online from a variety of resources.
It is important that if you are interested in this form of meditation that you do your homework.
There are many different websites that offer to teach you to use brainwaves for meditating, but some of these cost money.
You should start by finding the free sites and starting with them, to see if this kind of meditation will work for you rather than spending a lot of money and finding out these meditations aren't for you.

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