Why We Need to Feel Good All the Time
There is a slightly deeper reason why we need to feel good all the time than what is obvious.
That law of attraction movie a few years back mentioned something about the need to feel good.
I remember one author emphasizing it when he concluded that the main reason why we desire the things we desire is because when we get it, we feel good.
While manifesting a desired material thing instantly may not be within our power yet, changing our mood or emotion from sad or neutral to a 'feel good' state is definitely something achievable in a short time.
And if the end product of having a particular thing is to feel good, why not just feel good now even without needing to have that thing? Again, the reason why we need to feel good all the time is still a bit beyond that.
Perhaps you have heard about an age-old law in the east which they call the law of karma.
Christians also observe and respect this law in the form of the biblical "As you sow, so shall you reap.
" Science has Newton's Third Law of Motion: "For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction.
" This law however goes beyond its influence on motion and physical force.
Parallel to the law of karma, it signifies that for an action e.
giving money to charity, there is a corresponding reaction, e.
receiving money in return.
A smile your throw one way deserves a smile back in your direction.
A stinging word you utter towards a person evokes an equally stinging word for you.
And this law is in effect all the time.
If you are keeping to yourself, silently minding your own business, there must be no good or bad incurred in the karmic grid, would there be? Neither tithing nor stealing; neither smiling nor spiting anyone; surely you are not tipping the balance, are you? You just wake up in the morning as required, only silently complaining of the need to wake up early because you have to work to earn a living.
You sigh a bit and think 'had I been rich, I wouldn't have to wake up this early'.
You take your shower subconsciously asking 'Why am I born poor? Look at Jennifer Katharine Gates.
Why was she born rich? Isn't life unfair?' You drive to work, passing by a wall filled with graffiti.
"Stupid kids", you thought of the vandals.
You start your work day.
You just accept another 'boring work day'.
You have no choice.
We'll at least you had a light moment when the boss' sexy young secretary passed by with her usual PR smile.
Then at the end of the day, you go home only slightly disgruntled because the boss had to have you submit your written reaction to the supplier's presentation ASAP.
So you get home and watch the latest news on tv about the ongoing bombings in some middle eastern country, about the unsuccessful military operation in Colombia on a secret cocaine factory, etc.
Today, you may not have done any good deed, but you have not hurt anyone either.
So you think, there is no fear of expecting either good or bad karmic return.
Going back to the Law of Attraction movie, one particular author states that thoughts are things.
All things and accomplishments we now see started with an idea, a thought.
Thinking of something works towards the materialization of that thing specially when coupled with a matching emotion.
Eastern wisdom states that our thoughts gather around us like an aura and that it attracts thoughts of the same context or vibration.
A rapist who picks up your lingering lusty thoughts of the boss' secretary would probably awaken his impulse to seek a new victim tonight.
Your 'stupid kid' thought gets to be added to a rebellious kid's pile of resentment.
Your normal day is not as neutral as you thought it to be after all.
Your most secret thoughts do not stay hidden within you.
It affects others who entertain similar thoughts.
This is why we need to feel good all the time.
You feel good when you think good thoughts.
And only good comes out of good thoughts.
When you feel good, you tend to vibrate at levels higher than regular.
It really is not safe to just stay neutral.
We are not that disciplined yet to keep our minds from going astray even for a few moments.
Ever wondered why the law of attraction doesn't seem to work on most of us? We emote and visualize as instructed for a few minutes, but we negate what we accomplished in those few minutes with hours of random, seemingly harmless negative thoughts.
To borrow from something I've read awhile ago, 'there's nothing trivial about our thoughts'.
If you can not do a good deed, you at least should feel good so as not to incur a negative karma debt.
That law of attraction movie a few years back mentioned something about the need to feel good.
I remember one author emphasizing it when he concluded that the main reason why we desire the things we desire is because when we get it, we feel good.
While manifesting a desired material thing instantly may not be within our power yet, changing our mood or emotion from sad or neutral to a 'feel good' state is definitely something achievable in a short time.
And if the end product of having a particular thing is to feel good, why not just feel good now even without needing to have that thing? Again, the reason why we need to feel good all the time is still a bit beyond that.
Perhaps you have heard about an age-old law in the east which they call the law of karma.
Christians also observe and respect this law in the form of the biblical "As you sow, so shall you reap.
" Science has Newton's Third Law of Motion: "For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction.
" This law however goes beyond its influence on motion and physical force.
Parallel to the law of karma, it signifies that for an action e.
giving money to charity, there is a corresponding reaction, e.
receiving money in return.
A smile your throw one way deserves a smile back in your direction.
A stinging word you utter towards a person evokes an equally stinging word for you.
And this law is in effect all the time.
If you are keeping to yourself, silently minding your own business, there must be no good or bad incurred in the karmic grid, would there be? Neither tithing nor stealing; neither smiling nor spiting anyone; surely you are not tipping the balance, are you? You just wake up in the morning as required, only silently complaining of the need to wake up early because you have to work to earn a living.
You sigh a bit and think 'had I been rich, I wouldn't have to wake up this early'.
You take your shower subconsciously asking 'Why am I born poor? Look at Jennifer Katharine Gates.
Why was she born rich? Isn't life unfair?' You drive to work, passing by a wall filled with graffiti.
"Stupid kids", you thought of the vandals.
You start your work day.
You just accept another 'boring work day'.
You have no choice.
We'll at least you had a light moment when the boss' sexy young secretary passed by with her usual PR smile.
Then at the end of the day, you go home only slightly disgruntled because the boss had to have you submit your written reaction to the supplier's presentation ASAP.
So you get home and watch the latest news on tv about the ongoing bombings in some middle eastern country, about the unsuccessful military operation in Colombia on a secret cocaine factory, etc.
Today, you may not have done any good deed, but you have not hurt anyone either.
So you think, there is no fear of expecting either good or bad karmic return.
Going back to the Law of Attraction movie, one particular author states that thoughts are things.
All things and accomplishments we now see started with an idea, a thought.
Thinking of something works towards the materialization of that thing specially when coupled with a matching emotion.
Eastern wisdom states that our thoughts gather around us like an aura and that it attracts thoughts of the same context or vibration.
A rapist who picks up your lingering lusty thoughts of the boss' secretary would probably awaken his impulse to seek a new victim tonight.
Your 'stupid kid' thought gets to be added to a rebellious kid's pile of resentment.
Your normal day is not as neutral as you thought it to be after all.
Your most secret thoughts do not stay hidden within you.
It affects others who entertain similar thoughts.
This is why we need to feel good all the time.
You feel good when you think good thoughts.
And only good comes out of good thoughts.
When you feel good, you tend to vibrate at levels higher than regular.
It really is not safe to just stay neutral.
We are not that disciplined yet to keep our minds from going astray even for a few moments.
Ever wondered why the law of attraction doesn't seem to work on most of us? We emote and visualize as instructed for a few minutes, but we negate what we accomplished in those few minutes with hours of random, seemingly harmless negative thoughts.
To borrow from something I've read awhile ago, 'there's nothing trivial about our thoughts'.
If you can not do a good deed, you at least should feel good so as not to incur a negative karma debt.