Do You Know What Kind of a Relationship You Have With Your Career or Your Business?
Do you know why this is extremely crucial to your success? This may sound like a funny question, however, the truth is, we are in relationship with everything in our lives, including our business and/or our career.
So, why does knowing what kind of a relationship you have with your career or business so important? Please don't miss this.
It could change everything for you.
Think about what makes up a relationship.
There is you and the other.
In addition, whether you realize it or not, you have a perception of yourself relative to the other person, and a perception of the other person relative to you.
So, you with all of your known and unknown perceptions and ideas, constitute your relationships.
So, how do you currently react to your perceived idea about who your business/career is relative to you? Let me share something profound with you, my story...
I have noticed lately, that I have been reluctant to commit myself to many programs and projects.
It has been very difficult for me to understand because I totally love what I do, and I have so many ideas.
Well, upon my own reflection, I considered how I saw my business in relation to me and vice versa.
I proceeded to personify my business for fun.
(As human beings, isn't it easy for us to imagine being in relationship with people and our beloved animals?) I saw something very strange and very telling.
Imagine this scenario for a moment.
You're in a relationship with someone who's hair is on fire; they're breathing down your neck, and they're shouting directives and insults at you to hurry up and go, go, go.
There's no time to rest, no time to play, and no time to rejuvenate.
This personified image is telling you that you're too slow, you're going to miss out, and you just need to take massive action, action action, etc.
Yikes! This image of my business had taken on a driving, bully persona that demanded that I "make it happen" right now.
Keep in mind that this is very different from dealing with your inner critic who has something negative to say about everything you do and believes that you are not good enough.
As I saw this image, I could feel myself shrinking by the minute.
I just wanted to run and hide.
I really needed to go away and pretend that she (my career) was not there.
This was the only way I could protect myself from burning out again.
Well, guess what my procrastination has been doing for me? It's been protecting me from burning out like I have done so many times before! So, where did this ugly idea come from? The truth is, I have been driven by my own beliefs about what it takes to have a successful business - to work, work, work and never play or rest for a very long time.
This belief and my conditioning has created a subconscious image of my career to be an insensitive, hard core driver! Well, needless to say, I have changed this image.
My career is now a very respectful and adoring lady who is fluid like water and knows she can attract perfect clients to me.
She understands my energy profile and brings me encouragement and power.
She guides me where to go and who to meet.
While there is a lot of inner work behind the scenes, this has been incredibly powerful and freeing! I no longer give credibility to the demanding voice of my career telling me what I "should" do to be successful.
I am now free and in alignment with who I am.
Success without being authentic is so not worth it to me, is it to you?
So, why does knowing what kind of a relationship you have with your career or business so important? Please don't miss this.
It could change everything for you.
Think about what makes up a relationship.
There is you and the other.
In addition, whether you realize it or not, you have a perception of yourself relative to the other person, and a perception of the other person relative to you.
So, you with all of your known and unknown perceptions and ideas, constitute your relationships.
So, how do you currently react to your perceived idea about who your business/career is relative to you? Let me share something profound with you, my story...
I have noticed lately, that I have been reluctant to commit myself to many programs and projects.
It has been very difficult for me to understand because I totally love what I do, and I have so many ideas.
Well, upon my own reflection, I considered how I saw my business in relation to me and vice versa.
I proceeded to personify my business for fun.
(As human beings, isn't it easy for us to imagine being in relationship with people and our beloved animals?) I saw something very strange and very telling.
Imagine this scenario for a moment.
You're in a relationship with someone who's hair is on fire; they're breathing down your neck, and they're shouting directives and insults at you to hurry up and go, go, go.
There's no time to rest, no time to play, and no time to rejuvenate.
This personified image is telling you that you're too slow, you're going to miss out, and you just need to take massive action, action action, etc.
Yikes! This image of my business had taken on a driving, bully persona that demanded that I "make it happen" right now.
Keep in mind that this is very different from dealing with your inner critic who has something negative to say about everything you do and believes that you are not good enough.
As I saw this image, I could feel myself shrinking by the minute.
I just wanted to run and hide.
I really needed to go away and pretend that she (my career) was not there.
This was the only way I could protect myself from burning out again.
Well, guess what my procrastination has been doing for me? It's been protecting me from burning out like I have done so many times before! So, where did this ugly idea come from? The truth is, I have been driven by my own beliefs about what it takes to have a successful business - to work, work, work and never play or rest for a very long time.
This belief and my conditioning has created a subconscious image of my career to be an insensitive, hard core driver! Well, needless to say, I have changed this image.
My career is now a very respectful and adoring lady who is fluid like water and knows she can attract perfect clients to me.
She understands my energy profile and brings me encouragement and power.
She guides me where to go and who to meet.
While there is a lot of inner work behind the scenes, this has been incredibly powerful and freeing! I no longer give credibility to the demanding voice of my career telling me what I "should" do to be successful.
I am now free and in alignment with who I am.
Success without being authentic is so not worth it to me, is it to you?