Health & Medical Self-Improvement

The Time Is Right

Do you ever wonder where time has gone when you are having fun? Ticktock, ticktock, take 10 seconds and watch the second hand on your watch or clock speed round and count them off.
Now recognise that those ten seconds are gone and will never come around again.
They didn't exist before you started counting and now they have disappeared never to return.
Why is this important? Time is precious perhaps even priceless.
Do you have a five year or 10 year plan? Most business advisors suggest this but I have never heard of a ten second plan.
Yet each of us on this earth have limited amount of time broken up into 1440 seconds in every day.
How do you use yours? Do you plan the next ten seconds? Whenever you are feeling low, depressed, or simply fed-up use these ten seconds to realise that you are a 'unique' human being capable of deciding whether to change your situation or stay with your depressing thoughts.
All it takes is ten seconds to stop and lift your eyes from your feet to looking at the beauty around you.
Nature does not have failures, nature does not feel depressed and you are part of nature.
The old song "count your blessings instead of sheep" was good advice.
Take your ten second plan and multiply if by sixty 10 X 60 equals 160 seconds now you have a ten minute plan.
When you do not use the time you are given then it disappears and is gone forever.
Take your ten minutes and walk down by the sea, searching for any precious stones the waves may have washed ashore.
Soon you may have lost hours instead of minutes because when you start your mind into activity you set in motion natures energy.
You cannot be searching for precious stones intently and at the same time be worried about how you feel.
Instead you should be energised enough to find those gemstones lying beneath your feet.
Now when you find one gemstone would you stop or would you hurry along trying to beat the rising tide that is covering up all those precious stones still lying there on the sand.
Your mind is yours to command although it is very ready to go to its default setting of feeling depressed because you have nothing good to think about.
Use your next ten seconds to determine whether your mind or you are in control.

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