You Can Do It - The Sky"s The Limit!
You Can Do It The sky is the limit for all of us.
The Internet has opened up a whole world to us.
Like never before we have opportunities before us.
We have information available on any topic we could ever dream of.
For example, if you want to know who was the starting point guard for the 1945-46 New York Knicks, all you have to do is Google it.
Why not take that power and use it to our advantage.
Now, more than ever, you can do what ever you want.
In the past, you would have to go to school to learn a skill before taking it to the marketplace.
Now you can do whatever you want, whether you do or not...
is up to you.
Why not take that information and learn all you need to know about self-publishing that book you've always wanted to write.
I have three people in my immediate family who have self-published their own books and have collectively sold over $150,000.
00 dollars, with no agents or publishers cutting into their profits.
I come from a family of entrepreneurs, and if they don't know how to do something, they learn.
If you do have a skill that you learned in the traditional manner, you should still be bold and go out there.
If you've always wanted to have your own business and just haven't gotten around to it...
remember it's NOW o'clock in all of our lives.
Right now is the time to start living those dreams, Carpe diem and all of that.
I have a good friend who started her own Translation Company in West Palm Beach, FL.
"Translation Professionals" was her dream that she brought to life.
The world is a totally different place when you realize that, YOU CAN DO IT! You can make a movie on YouTube and become an instant star.
You can produce and sell your own music CD.
The sky is the limit, YOU CAN DO IT! If you can't do it now, that's OK, because you can learn it.
After learning it, all kinds of doors will be open to you.
YOU CAN DO IT! YOU CAN DO IT! The sky is the limit and the world is open to and for all of us.
We still all have within us the dreams that we tucked away when we became adults.
Un-tuck those dreams and get busy living them, again.
Fear will have you lounging or even falling asleep in the easy chair of ignorance.
Get up out of that easy chair and turn off that TV.
Your ignorance is not your friend or ally.
Believe it or not, you are a very special and unique individual and only you can serve your purpose.
If you don't fulfill it, it won't be done.
Start living your purpose today! If there is something you want/need to know and don't yet know it.
Learn it! Let this be your pledge: If he/she can do it, it can be done.
If it can be done, I CAN DO IT!
The Internet has opened up a whole world to us.
Like never before we have opportunities before us.
We have information available on any topic we could ever dream of.
For example, if you want to know who was the starting point guard for the 1945-46 New York Knicks, all you have to do is Google it.
Why not take that power and use it to our advantage.
Now, more than ever, you can do what ever you want.
In the past, you would have to go to school to learn a skill before taking it to the marketplace.
Now you can do whatever you want, whether you do or not...
is up to you.
Why not take that information and learn all you need to know about self-publishing that book you've always wanted to write.
I have three people in my immediate family who have self-published their own books and have collectively sold over $150,000.
00 dollars, with no agents or publishers cutting into their profits.
I come from a family of entrepreneurs, and if they don't know how to do something, they learn.
If you do have a skill that you learned in the traditional manner, you should still be bold and go out there.
If you've always wanted to have your own business and just haven't gotten around to it...
remember it's NOW o'clock in all of our lives.
Right now is the time to start living those dreams, Carpe diem and all of that.
I have a good friend who started her own Translation Company in West Palm Beach, FL.
"Translation Professionals" was her dream that she brought to life.
The world is a totally different place when you realize that, YOU CAN DO IT! You can make a movie on YouTube and become an instant star.
You can produce and sell your own music CD.
The sky is the limit, YOU CAN DO IT! If you can't do it now, that's OK, because you can learn it.
After learning it, all kinds of doors will be open to you.
YOU CAN DO IT! YOU CAN DO IT! The sky is the limit and the world is open to and for all of us.
We still all have within us the dreams that we tucked away when we became adults.
Un-tuck those dreams and get busy living them, again.
Fear will have you lounging or even falling asleep in the easy chair of ignorance.
Get up out of that easy chair and turn off that TV.
Your ignorance is not your friend or ally.
Believe it or not, you are a very special and unique individual and only you can serve your purpose.
If you don't fulfill it, it won't be done.
Start living your purpose today! If there is something you want/need to know and don't yet know it.
Learn it! Let this be your pledge: If he/she can do it, it can be done.
If it can be done, I CAN DO IT!