Health & Medical Self-Improvement

The Dangers of Low Self Esteem

Some may think that low self esteem just means a person does not think as highly of themselves as they should.
That is a dangerously oversimplified definition of that phrase.
At its worst, low self esteem can damage every aspect of a person's life.
It can have a negative impact on their job, relationships, ability to parent and even their ability to live a healthy life.
An Unhealthy Life When someone suffers from very low self esteem, they may walk around with a "why bother" attitude.
Because they think so poorly of themselves, they may not even bother trying to stay healthy.
Many, but not all, people with low self esteem are overweight.
Being overweight and failing to exercise can lead to a host of health problems including heart disease and diabetes.
Dreams Unfulfilled While people with low self esteem DO have dreams and goals, those dreams often go unfulfilled, because they constantly second guess their abilities.
Keep in mind that even people that are extremely talented can suffer from low self esteem.
This thinking of "I can't do it" often ends up being a self-fulfilling prophecy and the dreams one had are left unfinished.
A Generational Curse One of the biggest tragedies of very low self esteem is that it is often passed to the next generation.
A parent who thinks he or she is worthless often see their children as an extension of themselves and, therefore, the child must be worthless as well.
Even if they try very hard not to, many of these parents pass a message to their child that they are less than or not as good as others.
Of all of the reasons to try and find help for the problem, this is one of the most compelling.
It is possible not to only hinder one's own life with a burden of low self esteem, but to burden one's children with that same weight.
Finding Help For those wishing to find help for low self esteem, there are a couple of choices about where to start.
The first is to start on your own.
Take a class, and learn to do something new.
Step outside your comfort zone by speaking up when you have a good idea.
Start taking better care of yourself by eating healthy and starting an exercise plan.
All of these ideas can put you on the path to raising your self worth.
Of course, the tips above are not going to be enough to help everyone.
Some people may need professional help in order to begin seeing themselves as they really are: worthy of all the good things this world has to offer.
There is no shame in choosing to talk to someone about your low self esteem.
A good counselor will help you learn to replace the negative messages ("I can't do this") with positive messages ("I can do anything if I give it my all").
Also, they may be able to help you pinpoint exactly where this started, and thus help you learn a whole new way of thinking about yourself.
You deserve to fulfill your goals.
You deserve a happy relationship.
Your kids deserve a parent who understands her own worth and can pass that on to them.
There are many reasons to try and improve low self esteem, but the best reason is the one staring at you in the mirror.
The best reason is simply because you ARE worth it.

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