Coping With Chaos? Shift Your Focus.
In the movie, The Little Buddha, two stories are told.
One is the life of Siddhartha, who became the Buddha; the other is about a little boy who is given the story of Buddha's life to read.
These two stories are interwoven in the film, so there is a beautiful scene where the Buddha first experiences Self-Realization.
In that Self-Realization moment, Buddha is sitting under the banyon tree in a full lotus, totally at peace.
Flying towards him from all directions are all the horrors of life in the 3-D world - war, starvation, destruction, and all kinds of chaos.
Yet Buddha remains completely undisturbed as it all flies past him.
Today, we are all experiencing more and more chaos in our daily lives.
Jane S.
The chaos is all coming from lower vibrational frequencies.
As you and I and the Earth vibrate faster and faster, we are moving into greater and greater Love energies of peace and harmony.
As a result, all that is NOT of LOVE rises to the surface because it is incompatible with where we are evolving.
This is why there seems to be chaos everywhere.
This is why all the secrets and lies are being exposed.
Secrets and lies are not of the Love vibration.
Limitation and control of others is not of the Love vibration nor are they compatible with the 5th Dimensional energies.
Everything both within us and outside us that doesn't resonate with the frequencies of Divine Love are rising into our awareness - being thrust into our faces.
: we are being confronted with everything we don't love about ourselves.
And it's happening more and more quickly as we vibrate faster and faster.
This is one reason there is more and more to deal with each day.
And since the Spiritual Ascension process continues to accelerate, everything will continue come at us faster and faster.
There are also some scientific aspects to this.
One of them is represented by the change in the Shumann Resonance Frequency - the "heartbeat" of Mother Earth - which is also accelerating.
This is a measurement of the magnetic field of the earth.
We are part of the Earth.
As the Earth changes, so do we change.
If so, why can't we get things done faster?
Our Consciousness is functioning more quickly, but many of the things we're trying to "get done" are still 3-D things.
3-D and 5-D are overlapping, which means there are multiple frequencies occurring simultaneously.
Therefore, whatever we focus on is what we are vibrating or resonating to, and that means that we may be "out of sync" with lower vibrational patterns, but still trying to work within them.
THUS we experience: chaos, confusion, dissonance, time distortions, frustration, exhaustion, and all the other things we are feeling.
FINDING ANSWERS Because you are a spiritual being first and a physical being second, the overall answer is to shift your consciousness to focus more on your spirituality, spiritual growth, and spiritual alignment with your Divine Self.
MAKE a space within yourself to shift your focus.
FOCUS on your spirituality in whatever way calls to you.
When Buddha focused on his Divine Self, nothing of the lower vibrational frequencies affected him.
Once he entered that space of his Divine Nature, everything else just flowed past like water off the back of a duck.
The same is true for us.
One is the life of Siddhartha, who became the Buddha; the other is about a little boy who is given the story of Buddha's life to read.
These two stories are interwoven in the film, so there is a beautiful scene where the Buddha first experiences Self-Realization.
In that Self-Realization moment, Buddha is sitting under the banyon tree in a full lotus, totally at peace.
Flying towards him from all directions are all the horrors of life in the 3-D world - war, starvation, destruction, and all kinds of chaos.
Yet Buddha remains completely undisturbed as it all flies past him.
Today, we are all experiencing more and more chaos in our daily lives.
Jane S.
Might you be inspired to discuss more about why we are/or why it seems we are being so bombarded with greater numbers of tasks, toil, trouble, projects, and personal progress, too? - SO MUCH PACKED INTO ONE DAY!...The whys and wherefores have to do with the spiritual ascension process that is happening planet-wide.
Honestly, I don't know how I can run any faster and I find the stress quite challenging to manage.
Once you asked if we had noticed how regular chores we've been doing for years now seem to take forever to complete and our lists end up on top of each other.
That's another phenomenon that leaves me shaking my head.
The chaos is all coming from lower vibrational frequencies.
As you and I and the Earth vibrate faster and faster, we are moving into greater and greater Love energies of peace and harmony.
As a result, all that is NOT of LOVE rises to the surface because it is incompatible with where we are evolving.
This is why there seems to be chaos everywhere.
This is why all the secrets and lies are being exposed.
Secrets and lies are not of the Love vibration.
Limitation and control of others is not of the Love vibration nor are they compatible with the 5th Dimensional energies.
Everything both within us and outside us that doesn't resonate with the frequencies of Divine Love are rising into our awareness - being thrust into our faces.
: we are being confronted with everything we don't love about ourselves.
And it's happening more and more quickly as we vibrate faster and faster.
This is one reason there is more and more to deal with each day.
And since the Spiritual Ascension process continues to accelerate, everything will continue come at us faster and faster.
There are also some scientific aspects to this.
One of them is represented by the change in the Shumann Resonance Frequency - the "heartbeat" of Mother Earth - which is also accelerating.
This is a measurement of the magnetic field of the earth.
We are part of the Earth.
As the Earth changes, so do we change.
SHUMANN RESONANCE FREQUENCY But this vibrational frequency has actually been increasing since 1987, the year of a succession of planetary alignments called the Harmonic Convergence.So perhaps time actually IS accelerating.
The word harmonic is defined as 'a signal whose frequency is an integral multiple of the frequency of a reference signal.
' The word convergence means 'the approach to a fixed state'.
By the dawn of this new millennium, the frequency of the Earth had risen to around 9 Hz.
As this frequency has been speeding up, so has our concept of Time.
The National Institute of Standards and Technology, which assists the entire world in maintaining a uniform system of Time, has been making unexpected adjustments to their atomic clocks to compensate for this sudden change in Time.
But these clocks won't work much longer because they will need too much adjustment for what is just ahead for planet Earth.
By the beginning of 2011, the Schumann Resonance had moved beyond 11 Hz.
And, as it moves into the higher vibrational frequencies, our own frequencies must also increase.
This is the principle of resonance.
As our vibrational frequency speeds up, so will our concept of Time.
There will be more events taking place in less time.
If so, why can't we get things done faster?
- The things we are doing that seem to take "longer" are not accelerating at the same pace (or perhaps not accelerating at all) as we and the Earth are accelerating because they are 3-D things.
They may not be becoming 5-D. - We still have to address them because, for now, we're living with one foot in 3-D and the other in 5-D.
- When one's consciousness is focused on 3-D things, we feel overwhelmed because they align with us less and less.
- When we learn to live in the NOW moment, we'll feel less stressed about all this and just "let go" and "let God" (our Divine Self aspect) - take over.
Our Divine Self knows exactly what is perfect for this very moment - what the priority is right NOW.
Our Consciousness is functioning more quickly, but many of the things we're trying to "get done" are still 3-D things.
3-D and 5-D are overlapping, which means there are multiple frequencies occurring simultaneously.
Therefore, whatever we focus on is what we are vibrating or resonating to, and that means that we may be "out of sync" with lower vibrational patterns, but still trying to work within them.
THUS we experience: chaos, confusion, dissonance, time distortions, frustration, exhaustion, and all the other things we are feeling.
FINDING ANSWERS Because you are a spiritual being first and a physical being second, the overall answer is to shift your consciousness to focus more on your spirituality, spiritual growth, and spiritual alignment with your Divine Self.
MAKE a space within yourself to shift your focus.
FOCUS on your spirituality in whatever way calls to you.
LEARN TO: stop - breathe - meditate - spend time in nature - focus only on 1 thing at a time - resonate with Divine Love - be in alignment with your Divine Self - receive Higher Guidance - live from Higher Guidance - THEN the chaos will begin to recede.By doing these things, you'll begin to harmonize internally and the external world will become less stressful.
When Buddha focused on his Divine Self, nothing of the lower vibrational frequencies affected him.
Once he entered that space of his Divine Nature, everything else just flowed past like water off the back of a duck.
The same is true for us.