The Law of Attraction - First, Simplest, and Strongest of the Universal Or Forgotten Laws
Every person has a wealth of untapped potential in themselves.
Most people are unaware that every experience they have had in life was caused by their thoughts and emotions.
It is a picture in the mirror that is painful to look at and many people will turn away from this information because of the pain involved in accepting any involvement in the creation of the pain in their lives.
Examine your life.
Like most of us, you are happy with some of the facets of your life and unhappy with some.
It has been easy for most of us to believe that we are victims of destiny.
Whatever will be, will be.
"Que sera, sera," as the old song goes.
Sorry to bring a cloud to rain on your pity party but you are not a victim of some mythical dart board where God throws darts with your name on them and says "Yep, they are going to have a really crummy life.
" There isn't a giant mound of cosmic fertilizer just waiting to be dumped on you or pennies from heaven (I wish) that will sprinkle your life with constant wealth.
Many refer to life and the Law of Attraction as a game.
Much like a game there can be winners and losers.
The Law of Attraction has only winners once you learn that like everything in the universe, there are rules.
The only losers in this game are the people who fail to grasp the true meaning of how to use the Law of Attraction to their benefit.
One of the laws that everyone knows about is the law of gravity.
If you believe in it (or don't want to believe in it), it still works - all the time.
This is the same as all the Universal or Forgotten Laws.
They really exist.
And because they exist, they are affecting us even though we don't know about them or how they work.
Because gravity only affects the earth, it is probably the weakest of all of the Laws, but all of the Universal Forgotten Laws have an impact on every dimensions and every object and being.
The Law of Attraction is without a doubt the strongest of all the Forgotten Universal Laws.
The simplest explanation is "Like attracts like.
" Or you get what you believe.
Whatever you focus your thoughts on will come to be in your life.
If we focus on what we want, we will attract it.
But this is a double-edged sword because if we focus on what we don't want, we will attract it too! The Law of Attraction has no way of knowing that you really didn't want that awful .
well you put in the words, you know what you got that you didn't want.
The Law of Attraction is simple.
Our thoughts are very haphazard and short lived.
We bounce from one idea to another in a nanosecond and never really focus on any one thing for long.
If you say, "I want a house with a pool, a king-sized bed, and a 52" plasma TV," the Universe begins paving the way for your wish to become a reality.
But if you say what you normally say, "But I can't afford it," you have given the Universe a different path and all plans for that house, the pool, the king-sized bed and that awesome 52" plasma TV are washed away.
Congratulations, you just got what you asked for - more of the same old life you have now! Now that you have a basic understanding of the Law of Attraction, make use of it.
When you wish for something, like a new car, don't think that you can't afford it.
Just thinking that immediately starts transmitting the message of scarcity and lack.
So you end up with even more scarcity and lack.
It is only by changing our thoughts and emotions, that we can use them like a giant magnet to attract what we really want.
Probably the biggest thing most people want to use the Law of Attraction for is MONEY.
Almost everyone wants more money.
Does thinking about having more money, bring a smile to your face until you come back to "reality" and realize that there isn't going to be more money and that is just a pipe dream? Do you look at people with money and have nothing but contempt and envy? Most of us were taught some pretty judgmental things about money and what happens if you have lots of it.
But you can change the way you look at money by consciously altering your thoughts and feelings and soon you will have money flowing into your life.
Most people are unaware that every experience they have had in life was caused by their thoughts and emotions.
It is a picture in the mirror that is painful to look at and many people will turn away from this information because of the pain involved in accepting any involvement in the creation of the pain in their lives.
Examine your life.
Like most of us, you are happy with some of the facets of your life and unhappy with some.
It has been easy for most of us to believe that we are victims of destiny.
Whatever will be, will be.
"Que sera, sera," as the old song goes.
Sorry to bring a cloud to rain on your pity party but you are not a victim of some mythical dart board where God throws darts with your name on them and says "Yep, they are going to have a really crummy life.
" There isn't a giant mound of cosmic fertilizer just waiting to be dumped on you or pennies from heaven (I wish) that will sprinkle your life with constant wealth.
Many refer to life and the Law of Attraction as a game.
Much like a game there can be winners and losers.
The Law of Attraction has only winners once you learn that like everything in the universe, there are rules.
The only losers in this game are the people who fail to grasp the true meaning of how to use the Law of Attraction to their benefit.
One of the laws that everyone knows about is the law of gravity.
If you believe in it (or don't want to believe in it), it still works - all the time.
This is the same as all the Universal or Forgotten Laws.
They really exist.
And because they exist, they are affecting us even though we don't know about them or how they work.
Because gravity only affects the earth, it is probably the weakest of all of the Laws, but all of the Universal Forgotten Laws have an impact on every dimensions and every object and being.
The Law of Attraction is without a doubt the strongest of all the Forgotten Universal Laws.
The simplest explanation is "Like attracts like.
" Or you get what you believe.
Whatever you focus your thoughts on will come to be in your life.
If we focus on what we want, we will attract it.
But this is a double-edged sword because if we focus on what we don't want, we will attract it too! The Law of Attraction has no way of knowing that you really didn't want that awful .
well you put in the words, you know what you got that you didn't want.
The Law of Attraction is simple.
Our thoughts are very haphazard and short lived.
We bounce from one idea to another in a nanosecond and never really focus on any one thing for long.
If you say, "I want a house with a pool, a king-sized bed, and a 52" plasma TV," the Universe begins paving the way for your wish to become a reality.
But if you say what you normally say, "But I can't afford it," you have given the Universe a different path and all plans for that house, the pool, the king-sized bed and that awesome 52" plasma TV are washed away.
Congratulations, you just got what you asked for - more of the same old life you have now! Now that you have a basic understanding of the Law of Attraction, make use of it.
When you wish for something, like a new car, don't think that you can't afford it.
Just thinking that immediately starts transmitting the message of scarcity and lack.
So you end up with even more scarcity and lack.
It is only by changing our thoughts and emotions, that we can use them like a giant magnet to attract what we really want.
Probably the biggest thing most people want to use the Law of Attraction for is MONEY.
Almost everyone wants more money.
Does thinking about having more money, bring a smile to your face until you come back to "reality" and realize that there isn't going to be more money and that is just a pipe dream? Do you look at people with money and have nothing but contempt and envy? Most of us were taught some pretty judgmental things about money and what happens if you have lots of it.
But you can change the way you look at money by consciously altering your thoughts and feelings and soon you will have money flowing into your life.