Self-Improvement : Health & Medical

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Contending With the Foolish & the Wise Compassionate Response (Proverbs 26)

Contending With the Foolish & the Wise Compassionate Response (Proverbs 26)

I once did a DISC personality profiling assessment and one of the comments made about my type was that 'I didn't suffer fools gladly.'I know now what I didn't know then; that was a blight on my character.The person who cannot stomach fools will inevitably become one by virtue of
What's The Plan

What's The Plan

People fail not just because they expect to fail, but oftentimes because they fail to plan. They attempt a major goal or a new business venture all excited and motivated but gnawing at the back ...
Fun Hypnosis - Why Using Hypnosis For Fun Can Be Good For You!

Fun Hypnosis - Why Using Hypnosis For Fun Can Be Good For You!

As adults we're often too serious too often. But how can you lighten up without watching yet another re-run of "Friends"? Maybe using a fun hypnosis track could be the answer. Find out here...
Wonder Why Being Grateful is so Difficult-It's So Simple

Wonder Why Being Grateful is so Difficult-It's So Simple

How do we remain grateful? One simple trick: Just by being aware that the mind is grumbling. This is of course not at all difficult to find. A little focusing on the inner will tell you that the mind is a monkey chattering all the while. The first step is to become aware of this simple phenomenon th
Death by Overwork: Motivationally Speaking It's a Zero

Death by Overwork: Motivationally Speaking It's a Zero

In America, we may not have a word for death by overwork but the way we're going, we may soon need to.
Boundaries: Do Some People's Childhoods Set Them Up To Build Walls Around Themselves?

Boundaries: Do Some People's Childhoods Set Them Up To Build Walls Around Themselves?

When someone feels safe in their own body it is going to make their life a lot easier. But while this is the ideal, this is not something that everyone on this planet can relate to.
Poor Time Management Examples - How Much Is Poor Time Management Costing You?

Poor Time Management Examples - How Much Is Poor Time Management Costing You?

* If you were paying you to prioritise emails over coaching your team, would you feel you were getting a good return on your investment?
How Important Is Money In Your Goal Setting?

How Important Is Money In Your Goal Setting?

A realistic look at the role of money in setting goals True story... A teenager once said to me that she did have a goal, but she would never reach it because she didn't have ...
Mayan Spiritual Elders Reveal The Real Prophesy - Is This End?

Mayan Spiritual Elders Reveal The Real Prophesy - Is This End?

The Mayan calendar ends December 21st 2012. Is this the end of the world? Is humanity facing extinction? Mayan Elders meet to interpret the Mayan glyphs.
How To Use Your Personal Power To Change Your Life After Your Divorce

How To Use Your Personal Power To Change Your Life After Your Divorce

You can have the life you want after your divorce. Embrace your new life after your divorce.
Dr Bruce LiptonSpanning Science And Spirituality

Dr Bruce LiptonSpanning Science And Spirituality

Dr Bruce Lipton is a Cell Biologist, university professor, and the author of several books, including “The Biology of Belief: Unleashing the Power of Consciousness, Matter, and Miracles.
Hypnosis Guide

Hypnosis Guide

There are a lot of stories about hypnosis and hypnotherapy being harmful, turning people into clowns, people not with the ability to wake back up, and unscrupulous hypnotists exploiting their 'susceptible' clients. However there are many people who are resolute that its' assisted them
Seven Ways to Get the Most Out of Your Vacations

Seven Ways to Get the Most Out of Your Vacations

This may seem like a very strange title for an article. After all, a vacation is supposed to be… a vacation. The title seems to imply that we should strive to make our vacation, somehow ...
Luv Your Brain and Feed it Pictures

Luv Your Brain and Feed it Pictures

Luv Your brain, and it will Luv you back-and-forth.
How Do You State Your "Compelling Reasons"?

How Do You State Your "Compelling Reasons"?

How we state our compelling reasons is different for each person. We live in a fast paced world. This article may shed some light on the subject.
Pepper Spray - Questions That Could Save Your Life

Pepper Spray - Questions That Could Save Your Life

When relying on any self defense product, proper training and education can make the difference between walking away from the assailant or being seriously hurt. Always know your capabilities and limitations as well as the ...
Learn to Read Body Language - Learn Why Mastering Non Verbal Communication is Critical to Success

Learn to Read Body Language - Learn Why Mastering Non Verbal Communication is Critical to Success

Who else wants to learn how to read body language? Are you interested in improving your ability to communicate effectively with others? Are you TRULY trying to get ahead in work, love or lust?
Clear Out the Clutter

Clear Out the Clutter

Organisation is essential in your home, and/or office, if you are to function at maximum efficiency and productivity. If every time you sit down to do some work you have to move everything off your desk or struggle to find a place to sit then it is time to get organised.
Melancholia: The Reality of Loneliness

Melancholia: The Reality of Loneliness

Life is sometimes described as a series of moments and memories, more preferably fond moments and memories. As individuals, we live within the marginal context of Social boundaries and struggle on a daily basis to make sense of everything that we created in this society. We struggle to make sense of
3 Easy Steps to Help You Reach Your Goals

3 Easy Steps to Help You Reach Your Goals

Most of us at some time in our lives felt drained, unable to move outside of well-established patterns, not because we enjoy being idle, but because the energy and motivation that would drive us to set and reach our goals has been lacking...