Health & Medical Self-Improvement

Luv Your Brain and Feed it Pictures

Peg System: 20-100 You know Zero to Ten (0-10), Zero is a Hero, and Ten is a Hen.
Now we add Twenty to One Hundred (20-100), Virginia to Century.
a) What is thirty-three? It is a Triangle with a Tree in the center.
b) What is seventy-eight? It is September and a Gate is opening.
c) What is ninety-seven? It is November in Heaven.
- Twenty (20) in Latin is Virginti Our Peg-Word isVirginia Thirty (30) in Latin is Triginti Our Peg-Word isTriangle Forty (40) in Latin is QuadragintaOur Peg-Word is Quadruple Fifty (50) in Latin is QuiquagintaOur Peg-Word is Quintuple Sixty (60) in Latin is SexagintaOur Peg-Word is Sexy Seventy (60) in Latin is SeptuagintaOur Peg-Word is September Eighty (80) in Latinis Octginta Our Peg-Word is October Ninety (90) in Latin is Nonaginta Our Peg-Word is November One Hundred (100) in Latin is Centum Our Peg-Word is Century - Let us make it a practical tool by using it for the stock market prices.
If Exxon-Mobile was selling at sixty-three (63) we would mentally visualize it as a Sexy (60), Tree (3), with a Double-X carved on it (XX).
The two xxes remind us of Exxon.
How about Microsoft selling at twenty-nine (29)? Mentally visualize Virginia (20) killing a swine (9), by hitting it over the head with a computer.
Computer reminds us of Microsoft.
After one-week of using your Peg Words to substitute for numbers - they get filed into long-term memory as a habit.
After that you operates on autopilot, and your subconscious mind instantly translates the numbers to mental pictures in your minds eye.
Your brain loves pictures - better than 1,000 words.
By the second week, seeing the symbol - 29, instantly mentally retrieves your mental-movie of Virginia, the swine and the computer.
It sticks like Crazy-Glue in your mind because it is a violent image of Virginia slamming a computer down on the head of the innocent porker.
There is a simple Acronym - W.
- to show how to make an image by coding it with an activity that is memorable.
is Weird, and any picture that is ridiculous, out-of-proportion, and a substitute from normal expectations, is instantly retained by your brain.
The letter A is for Animated; and creating action and movement in your mental visualization works to give it stickiness.
stands for Three-D, and adding dimension to your mental picture.
stands for Color which grabs your attention and memory rather than black-and-white which is ordinary and common place.
is for Humor - make the mental visualization funny, silly, or jerky, and it is easy to remember.
Exaggeration - a ten-foot man is more memorable than a six-footer; so is a two-foot woman.
stands for Senses.
Involve a smell or taste associated with your mental picture, and you own it forever.
Imagine how it feels, or a funny sound it makes or that it looks unusual by having three-eyes.
Our five major senses are memory enhancers, so use them.
Endwords When you use this Peg Word substitution system, you exercise your creativity and imagination.
Use-it-or-lose-it refers to our neurons (brain cells), and neural networks too.
Your brain is similar to muscles in your arms - do not use them and they atrophy.
Another benefit of using them is creating a Firewall of protection against dementia, including Alzheimers.
Convinced now? See ya, copyright © 2006 H.
Bernard Wechsler -

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