Fun Hypnosis - Why Using Hypnosis For Fun Can Be Good For You!
Gee the world can be a serious place at times.
All the gloom and doom on the news twenty four hours a day.
So how can you lighten your mood and escape the daily routine that you seem to have fallen into? There's always the comedy channels on television.
But then again, there's only so many times you can watch the same episode of "Friends" and still find it funny.
That's where fun hypnosis can come into its own.
Although the hypnosis track that you play to yourself is the same each time, your imagination comes into play as well.
Which makes your experience different each time.
Fun hypnosis can be an excellent way of relaxing or you can use it as a gentle way of introducing people to the art of hypnosis.
It works either way.
So just what is fun hypnosis? Put simply, it's a way of opening up your imagination and letting it run wild for a while.
Kind of like having a great dream but you're awake and in control and get to choose the direction you want to go in.
Our imagination gets squashed and stifled as a child.
Think back: how often were you told to stop dreaming or to get real? If this happens too often, we learn not to let our imagination explore new things for us.
Fortunately using hypnosis for fun (instead of the normal "serious" uses like sorting out our fears and phobias) is an easy way to get into your own little world and completely unwind for a while.
You'll come back refreshed and invigorated! A fun hypnosis track will take you on a journey that you'd find difficult or impossible to accomplish otherwise: Taking a trip in outer space is something that's normally reserved for highly trained astronauts (or the occasional well-heeled space tourist).
But by using hypnosis to trigger your imagination and guide you along your way, you can jet off to the far reaches of inner or outer space and explore the planets and solar systems.
All within the safety of your own mind and without spending millions of dollars on a short trip into outer space.
Or maybe you'd prefer to explore the hidden depths of the oceans.
Amazingly, we actually know less about our oceans than we do about outer space.
We've only mapped about 10% of the ocean floors and we're still discovering new sea creatures on a daily basis.
So a journey to the bottom of the ocean could open up all sorts of new possibilities.
Using fun hypnosis can be a great way to relax.
Or you could use it to stimulate your mind and open up new creative avenues in your life.
All the gloom and doom on the news twenty four hours a day.
So how can you lighten your mood and escape the daily routine that you seem to have fallen into? There's always the comedy channels on television.
But then again, there's only so many times you can watch the same episode of "Friends" and still find it funny.
That's where fun hypnosis can come into its own.
Although the hypnosis track that you play to yourself is the same each time, your imagination comes into play as well.
Which makes your experience different each time.
Fun hypnosis can be an excellent way of relaxing or you can use it as a gentle way of introducing people to the art of hypnosis.
It works either way.
So just what is fun hypnosis? Put simply, it's a way of opening up your imagination and letting it run wild for a while.
Kind of like having a great dream but you're awake and in control and get to choose the direction you want to go in.
Our imagination gets squashed and stifled as a child.
Think back: how often were you told to stop dreaming or to get real? If this happens too often, we learn not to let our imagination explore new things for us.
Fortunately using hypnosis for fun (instead of the normal "serious" uses like sorting out our fears and phobias) is an easy way to get into your own little world and completely unwind for a while.
You'll come back refreshed and invigorated! A fun hypnosis track will take you on a journey that you'd find difficult or impossible to accomplish otherwise: Taking a trip in outer space is something that's normally reserved for highly trained astronauts (or the occasional well-heeled space tourist).
But by using hypnosis to trigger your imagination and guide you along your way, you can jet off to the far reaches of inner or outer space and explore the planets and solar systems.
All within the safety of your own mind and without spending millions of dollars on a short trip into outer space.
Or maybe you'd prefer to explore the hidden depths of the oceans.
Amazingly, we actually know less about our oceans than we do about outer space.
We've only mapped about 10% of the ocean floors and we're still discovering new sea creatures on a daily basis.
So a journey to the bottom of the ocean could open up all sorts of new possibilities.
Using fun hypnosis can be a great way to relax.
Or you could use it to stimulate your mind and open up new creative avenues in your life.