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Melancholia: The Reality of Loneliness

Life is sometimes described as a series of moments and memories, more preferably fond moments and memories.
As individuals, we live within the marginal context of Social boundaries and struggle on a daily basis to make sense of everything that we created in this society.
We struggle to make sense of our existence and ask our selves if this is the "Grandeur" of what life has to offer? Self defined as our objective to pursue the gratification of what we think will ultimately be the epitome of our worth and value as far as other people would have perceived us.
If we think about it, that would rather be a sad thought to ponder about despite how we try to put value in everything that we achieved as a species.
Human needs and wants are never ending as proof of our continued search of augmenting our lives with countless necessities that offer comfort in times of solitude or in this case, melancholia.
In this day and age, we have thought of almost every diversified proportional means of buying our time from boredom.
One would think that as a progressively inventive society, that we have answered the question of our purpose in life but sometimes the answers fall short far from an acceptable compromise of wits.
Loneliness can be considered an adversary or an escape from the chaos of a seemingly dynamic way of life.
Melancholia is another definition for sadness, an emotional state in which many of us succumb to during times of solitude.
It is defined sometimes as the extreme downward opposite of the satisfaction that we feel on gratifying our self concerning the need to alleviate our self esteem.
Interestingly though, it has been popularly coined with the term "the blues" as defined with the same genre of music that describes the emotional implications attributed to it.
Statistically speaking, there are more songs written that describe the tragedy of life as one good example that defines the tragic concept of a song is "Eleanor Rigby" by The Beatles which obviously starts with the first stanza "I look at all the lonely people...
It is so impossible to keep a steady and permanent thought on happiness as it has no concept of form and pattern.
A person may define it very differently from another individuals point of view as to the level of gratification and coherent understanding in how it will bring contentedness.
As it turns out, it is easier to define sadness because it has a common basis of predefined terms in which most of us if not all, can relate to with the same meaning.
To be simply put in correct terms, it is easier to be sad than to be happy and as effortlessly as falling off a cliff.
Expecting things to happen for your own favor may not be a good thing to live by as we have no control of options beyond what is not ours.
Trusting other individuals may not be a good reality as far as social existence is concerned as you can easily be bypassed in relation to social worthiness.
This is quite a sad reality to accept even though we try to live to survive all severities that life presents us with.
A thought to end is this, Is sadness an integral part of human existence that we as a Society shun as a negative emotion or thought of mind compared to happiness? Or is it the actual reality as it shows the true meaning of a pretentious clamor for a disillusion and unsubstantiated meaning of human existence?

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