Self-Improvement : Health & Medical

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You Have Probably Heard of Smart Goals, But These Goals Are Smarter!

You Have Probably Heard of Smart Goals, But These Goals Are Smarter!

Every year, millions of people make New Year's Resolutions, only to find that they make the same resolutions again next year. These resolutions have been made with determination and a desire for change.....I know because I have been there. This goal setting course will help you to make SMARTER
Reading Self Improvement Articles - A Never Ending Journey Through Life

Reading Self Improvement Articles - A Never Ending Journey Through Life

This process of self improvement or improving ourselves is difficult sometimes isn't it? Always constantly trying to be a better person, a good person, help others, do the right thing, it all seems or feels a bit much sometimes and maybe even feels like it is too much work. How do we sustain th
how can i get pregnant

how can i get pregnant

how can i get pregnant
The Right Objective Of Being Smart

The Right Objective Of Being Smart

Over the years much has been written on the subject of goal setting with most conventional wisdom coming down in favour of the SMART objective setting process.
Overcoming Low Self Esteem - How Counselling Can Help Women Develop More Balanced Self Confidence

Overcoming Low Self Esteem - How Counselling Can Help Women Develop More Balanced Self Confidence

The study of low self esteem in women has a short but powerful history. Some women say that having a poor self-image causes them to take foolish risks (such as drinking too much in public places) while others say they avoid necessary risks to such an extent that they daren't try anything new (s
Subliminal Messages - Using Computer Software to Change Your Habits

Subliminal Messages - Using Computer Software to Change Your Habits

Subliminal messages and subliminal message software provide the best way I know to affect change.You can quickly change your personal and business life through the use of subliminal messaging software.One point though that many fail to appreciate about subliminal approaches, is that you need to want
Want to Prove the Law of Attraction? Focus on What You Do Not Want

Want to Prove the Law of Attraction? Focus on What You Do Not Want

The quickest way to get what we do not want, is to focus on this undesired outcome with lots of negative energy. We will get the undesired outcome because of the energy we focus on it, despite the judgement we added to the issue.
9 Tips To Getting Things Done

9 Tips To Getting Things Done

A big part of getting things done is being motivated. How do we keep the motivation? Some days we're just not motivated especially on days where we have to "eat the frog". Sometimes it's just hard to get started. Some days we don't want to tackle the hard tasks.
Model Confidence With Body Language

Model Confidence With Body Language

Do you feel confident and sure of yourself in business and personal interactions with others?Do you admire the way some people just seem to "own the room"They have a look of success about them. People who have confidence and courage stand out from the crowd.You can too.Read this article fo
The Impossible Dream

The Impossible Dream

What is holding you back from going after and achieving your dream? This article will give you the necessary steps to make your dream a reality.
How I Become A Christian, My Christmas Gift To You!

How I Become A Christian, My Christmas Gift To You!

I wanted to take this opportunity to encourage you all to commit yourself to a successful new year. Your success is based mainly on your commitment. I believe one of the biggest reasons we procrastinate is lack of confidence. This is based mostly on past experiences. I want to share an experience th
What is Stress and Taking the First Step to Beat It!

What is Stress and Taking the First Step to Beat It!

With increasing information and the demands of workers to provide real-time responses, it is no wonder that stress is on the rise. Stress is an everyday part of life. While we intuitively understand what stress is, a definition of stress is more elusive.
10 Steps to Job and Financial Security

10 Steps to Job and Financial Security

Step One:Part One - Choose a profession that is always in demand and become an expert in that field. My stepdaughter Amanda is a good example. She knew that health care was an emerging high-demand industry, and chose nursing.
Death Resources

Death Resources

Insight is to see from within what we cannot see with our physical eyes. It is a deliberate intention to discover what is most alive within us. It is the discovery of who we really are.


Conversations take the greater part of our relationship with God and Man. Good conversations build great relationships; the essence of any conversation is to share ideas, opinions, and information- to communicate. Good conversation skill is ...
Say Goodbye to Stress and Anxiety - The Herbal Way

Say Goodbye to Stress and Anxiety - The Herbal Way

Stress can come from any situation or thought that makes you feel frustrated or anxious. Good news is, there are herbal supplements that can treat stress and anxiety very effectively.
You Must Do What You Think You Cannot Do - Eleanor Roosevelt

You Must Do What You Think You Cannot Do - Eleanor Roosevelt

When friends, family and those who support you rain on your dreams, what can you do to move forward?When you have an idea, do you shoot it down with doubtful questions and fears?Here's an empowering tool, and it's simple to use.
Strategic Thinking For A Successful Employee Retention Strategy

Strategic Thinking For A Successful Employee Retention Strategy

Look around you in today's business world.It is no secret that it is becoming more difficult to recruit and retain skilled employees.In fact, one could say that select businesses and industries are desperate or becoming desperate to find people with the needed skills and attitudes. Have you ant
How Strong Is Your Faith?

How Strong Is Your Faith?

My wife and I sell merchandise at flea markets and festivals. We have recently been exposed to different groups and individuals that make us question how strong our faith is. I feel led to share some thoughts and observations with you.
Unblemished in a Stained World

Unblemished in a Stained World

While I do not put myself above anyone else, trust me, I have my share of issues. But, whatever happened to integrity, dignity, and respect? First things first; you have to have integrity, dignity and self-respect for yourself before anyone else will show you any kind respect or concern.