Living Inside-Out - A Shift in Perception
Are you going through life with what seems like one foot on the brake? Wishing you could feel more peaceful, confident, get ahead financially, or experience some kind of breakthrough? If it seems you always end up sabotaging yourself and reverting back to the same old patterns, no matter how many affirmations you say or books you read, chances are you have subconscious beliefs running the show underneath the level of your conscious awareness.
In fact, we all do.
For better or for worse.
We live in exciting times, when the marriage of science and spirit has provided us the "missing link" to true healing and change at the cellular level.
Perhaps it's lost ancient knowledge, an inner technology that is resurfacing at this time when it's needed the most.
The old Newtonian belief has given way to quantum physics, non-locality and replaced the victim role with that of creative empowerment.
Emerging mind/body therapies over the last few decades, such as Energy Psychology and PSYCH-K are a few powerful techniques to facilitate quantum healing and change at the energetic and subconscious levels.
What we think and believe, we thus create upon the canvas of our lives.
And powerful forces are at work to manifest our creations.
We have two minds - conscious; which processes 40 bits of information per second, and the subconscious; which processes 40 million, and like the iceberg under water, governs over 95% of our thoughts, reactions and habits! Unfortunately for many of us, the subconscious is programmed with habitual beliefs that hold us back from living our true potential and expression.
Such as, "I'll never be good enough", "I don't deserve a happy life like everyone else", or "I'm not capable of making a lot of money".
Where do these subconscious beliefs come from that are running 95% of our lives? According to Dr.
Bruce Lipton, Ph.
and Cellular Biologist, from conception and through early childhood to approximately age 6, we are operating from the level of the subconscious mind only, with the conscious mind not developing until after age 5.
So like sponges, we are completely downloading everything into the subconscious from our parents, siblings, friends, caregivers and the world.
So in addition to beliefs formulated from life's events as teens and adults, the foundational belief system about ourselves, our worthiness and our potential in the world is established in our earliest years.
If you're watching a movie, and want to change the storyline, characters or outcome, do you get up and try to change the screen? Of course not, the screen is only showing the printout of the film via the projector.
So any changes to the movie need to be made in the film.
There is a certain empowerment when you realize how we are both the director and the actor in the movie of our own life.
The script is not set in stone, but is a dynamic reflection of our inner world.
Changing the script of our life is the natural result of changing our beliefs, perceptions and thought.
First, you make changes that shift your beliefs on the INSIDE, and with your belief patterns reorganized, you resonate at a different vibration, and attract on the OUTSIDE what matches that belief resonance.
Whatever the Mind believes is true produces a feedback that continually reinforces and shapes our perceptions, and thus, our experiences.
The Mind is incredibly powerful, but malleable.
It is the new science, and it's emerging everywhere all around us.
Like a fantastic lost treasure that has been rediscovered, we are being shown that we are not victims of our genes, victims of life, victims of anything.
And that's something worth exploring, and celebrating.
In fact, we all do.
For better or for worse.
We live in exciting times, when the marriage of science and spirit has provided us the "missing link" to true healing and change at the cellular level.
Perhaps it's lost ancient knowledge, an inner technology that is resurfacing at this time when it's needed the most.
The old Newtonian belief has given way to quantum physics, non-locality and replaced the victim role with that of creative empowerment.
Emerging mind/body therapies over the last few decades, such as Energy Psychology and PSYCH-K are a few powerful techniques to facilitate quantum healing and change at the energetic and subconscious levels.
What we think and believe, we thus create upon the canvas of our lives.
And powerful forces are at work to manifest our creations.
We have two minds - conscious; which processes 40 bits of information per second, and the subconscious; which processes 40 million, and like the iceberg under water, governs over 95% of our thoughts, reactions and habits! Unfortunately for many of us, the subconscious is programmed with habitual beliefs that hold us back from living our true potential and expression.
Such as, "I'll never be good enough", "I don't deserve a happy life like everyone else", or "I'm not capable of making a lot of money".
Where do these subconscious beliefs come from that are running 95% of our lives? According to Dr.
Bruce Lipton, Ph.
and Cellular Biologist, from conception and through early childhood to approximately age 6, we are operating from the level of the subconscious mind only, with the conscious mind not developing until after age 5.
So like sponges, we are completely downloading everything into the subconscious from our parents, siblings, friends, caregivers and the world.
So in addition to beliefs formulated from life's events as teens and adults, the foundational belief system about ourselves, our worthiness and our potential in the world is established in our earliest years.
If you're watching a movie, and want to change the storyline, characters or outcome, do you get up and try to change the screen? Of course not, the screen is only showing the printout of the film via the projector.
So any changes to the movie need to be made in the film.
There is a certain empowerment when you realize how we are both the director and the actor in the movie of our own life.
The script is not set in stone, but is a dynamic reflection of our inner world.
Changing the script of our life is the natural result of changing our beliefs, perceptions and thought.
First, you make changes that shift your beliefs on the INSIDE, and with your belief patterns reorganized, you resonate at a different vibration, and attract on the OUTSIDE what matches that belief resonance.
Whatever the Mind believes is true produces a feedback that continually reinforces and shapes our perceptions, and thus, our experiences.
The Mind is incredibly powerful, but malleable.
It is the new science, and it's emerging everywhere all around us.
Like a fantastic lost treasure that has been rediscovered, we are being shown that we are not victims of our genes, victims of life, victims of anything.
And that's something worth exploring, and celebrating.