Health & Medical Self-Improvement

Your Coach - Your Door to a Change

When coaching a client, sooner or later in the process there always comes a moment, I call it a "moment of truth".
It is the moment when the "big C", alas the time for Change is required, quite often a rather radical sort of change.
At that moment the excuses start flying in and both me and the client know, that we have "hit the gold", that now is the time when the real work begins.
Somebody very wisely said: "You cannot have what you have never had unless you are willing to do what you have never done!" It is so simple and so true; yet, so many people struggle with change and fail to understand its importance.
Yes, it requires a lot of courage, yes, the results are not guaranteed, yes, it might be painful and yes, this is the only way to get new and different results.
This is the time when I really see the importance of the coach.
Being able to encourage the client to go ahead with the often dreaded change and being there for him or her all the time while the process goes on and most importantly, making sure that the change gets completed, is a quality of a truly exceptional coach.
If you are in the process of looking for a coach, I highly recommend to ask very specific questions about how exactly they manage this process with their clients, which tools they use to keep the client motivated and how do they know the process was completed.
The right coach for you should give you answers that resonate with you and make you comfortable working with him/her.

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