What Does The Bible Teach About A Place Called Hell?
Death, in some people's opinion, means a cessation of life.
In other words, when you are dead, you are done.
This is not true according to the teachings of the Bible.
Nor is the teaching of reincarnation.
When a person dies, they do not come back here as a dog, cow or something else, or somebody else for that matter.
I know that there are religions which teach these things.
However, the Bible says otherwise.
Is there life after death according to the Sacred Scriptures? Yes there is.
Man is created by Almighty God.
We actually are spirit beings, living in bodies of flesh, possessing souls.
And when the physical body dies, the real us, the inward man,our spirits and souls live on.
A spirit can never cease to exist.
We will live forever.
Where we will live is another subject, but that is entirely up to the individual.
By this I mean, man has a choice as to where he or she will spend eternity.
It is not up to God.
It is up to you.
Our ability to choose and decide is a unique gift that God gave us when He made us.
And we make the decision of where we will spend eternity while we are on this side.
There are one of two places we can go.
There is Heaven and there is Hell.
Those are the only two places you can move to after you leave this side.
Now, I know that some will say, "Come on.
Do you really believe that such a place as hell exists.
And if so, would a Loving God send His creation there?" The answers to these questions are not left to my speculation.
They are not left to your opinions either.
God's Word, the Bible, clearly states that God created Heaven and earth.
It also says that He prepared a place called hell, for the devil and his angels.
And the Bible goes on to say that if man decides to follow the devil and walk in disobedience to Almighty God, then that individual will face the same fate as the devil.
(Matthew 25:41, Luke 16: 19-31, Revelation 21:8) Amidst the fact that we try to put everyone in Heaven, many are not going there.
And it is a matter of choice.
God Almighty has done and is doing all He can to persuade mankind to come to Him.
However, as the Bible says, "Men love darkness rather than light.
" (John 3:19) Jesus spoke of hell as a real place.
He did not sugarcoat it either.
It is a place of eternal suffering, anguish and torment.
He really came to provide a way of escape so that you and I can have hope beyond the grave, so that we can go to Heaven when we leave this side.
God so loved us that He gave His only begotten Son, the Lord Jesus Christ, so that we would not perish in that awful place, but have everlasting life with Him.
Jesus Christ came to this earth, went to the cross, shed His precious and holy blood to wash away our sins, took upon Himself our sins, sicknesses, diseases, hurts and wounds, and paid the price for them.
He died, He was buried and according to the Bible, He arose from the dead.
Now He desires to come and live within our hearts, and make us children of God, so that we can escape hell and go to Heaven.
But you may ask the question, Are we not all children of God? The answer to this question may shock some, but the Bible does not teach that.
We all are the creation of God, for from one man and one woman, whom He created in the beginning, we were all conceived and brought into this world.
Adam, the first man, was a son of God.
His spirit was made in the likeness of God, and He was God's child.
(Luke 3:38) However, when he sinned and went against God, he lost the nature of God.
(Romans 3:23) He then became a child of God's enemy, the devil.
Jesus alluded to this when He said, "Ye are of your father, the devil and the lusts of your father ye will do.
He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him.
When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own, because he is a lair and the father of it.
" (John 8:44) In other words, Jesus was saying, children of the devil act just like him.
They don't want God telling them how to conduct their lives.
They lie, murder, hurt people and attempt to do what they want, when they want, with whom they want.
We were not born inherently good.
Because of Adam's sin and that evil nature passed down to us through his seed, we all have been born inherently evil.
This is why Jesus Christ, the Son of God came.
He came to shed His blood to get that evil nature out of us and bring us back into right-standing with God.
(Romans 5: 12, Romans 5:1) The only way to become a child of Almighty God is to receive Jesus Christ.
This is what the Bible teaches.
(John 1:12-13, John 14:6) Well, according to the Bible, the devil is going to hell.
He will be sent there at the time appointed of Almighty God.
Likewise, his children will also be sent there.
But you do not have to go there.
God loves you.
Receive His gift of eternal life and you will be able to rest assured that when you die, you will go the Heaven.
Just say, Lord Jesus Christ, I believe You are the Son of God.
I believe You died for me and shed Your blood to wash away my sins.
I believe You arose from the dead.
Come into my heart Lord Jesus.
I receive You as my Lord and personal Savior.
Thank You for saving me.
In Jesus Name.
In other words, when you are dead, you are done.
This is not true according to the teachings of the Bible.
Nor is the teaching of reincarnation.
When a person dies, they do not come back here as a dog, cow or something else, or somebody else for that matter.
I know that there are religions which teach these things.
However, the Bible says otherwise.
Is there life after death according to the Sacred Scriptures? Yes there is.
Man is created by Almighty God.
We actually are spirit beings, living in bodies of flesh, possessing souls.
And when the physical body dies, the real us, the inward man,our spirits and souls live on.
A spirit can never cease to exist.
We will live forever.
Where we will live is another subject, but that is entirely up to the individual.
By this I mean, man has a choice as to where he or she will spend eternity.
It is not up to God.
It is up to you.
Our ability to choose and decide is a unique gift that God gave us when He made us.
And we make the decision of where we will spend eternity while we are on this side.
There are one of two places we can go.
There is Heaven and there is Hell.
Those are the only two places you can move to after you leave this side.
Now, I know that some will say, "Come on.
Do you really believe that such a place as hell exists.
And if so, would a Loving God send His creation there?" The answers to these questions are not left to my speculation.
They are not left to your opinions either.
God's Word, the Bible, clearly states that God created Heaven and earth.
It also says that He prepared a place called hell, for the devil and his angels.
And the Bible goes on to say that if man decides to follow the devil and walk in disobedience to Almighty God, then that individual will face the same fate as the devil.
(Matthew 25:41, Luke 16: 19-31, Revelation 21:8) Amidst the fact that we try to put everyone in Heaven, many are not going there.
And it is a matter of choice.
God Almighty has done and is doing all He can to persuade mankind to come to Him.
However, as the Bible says, "Men love darkness rather than light.
" (John 3:19) Jesus spoke of hell as a real place.
He did not sugarcoat it either.
It is a place of eternal suffering, anguish and torment.
He really came to provide a way of escape so that you and I can have hope beyond the grave, so that we can go to Heaven when we leave this side.
God so loved us that He gave His only begotten Son, the Lord Jesus Christ, so that we would not perish in that awful place, but have everlasting life with Him.
Jesus Christ came to this earth, went to the cross, shed His precious and holy blood to wash away our sins, took upon Himself our sins, sicknesses, diseases, hurts and wounds, and paid the price for them.
He died, He was buried and according to the Bible, He arose from the dead.
Now He desires to come and live within our hearts, and make us children of God, so that we can escape hell and go to Heaven.
But you may ask the question, Are we not all children of God? The answer to this question may shock some, but the Bible does not teach that.
We all are the creation of God, for from one man and one woman, whom He created in the beginning, we were all conceived and brought into this world.
Adam, the first man, was a son of God.
His spirit was made in the likeness of God, and He was God's child.
(Luke 3:38) However, when he sinned and went against God, he lost the nature of God.
(Romans 3:23) He then became a child of God's enemy, the devil.
Jesus alluded to this when He said, "Ye are of your father, the devil and the lusts of your father ye will do.
He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him.
When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own, because he is a lair and the father of it.
" (John 8:44) In other words, Jesus was saying, children of the devil act just like him.
They don't want God telling them how to conduct their lives.
They lie, murder, hurt people and attempt to do what they want, when they want, with whom they want.
We were not born inherently good.
Because of Adam's sin and that evil nature passed down to us through his seed, we all have been born inherently evil.
This is why Jesus Christ, the Son of God came.
He came to shed His blood to get that evil nature out of us and bring us back into right-standing with God.
(Romans 5: 12, Romans 5:1) The only way to become a child of Almighty God is to receive Jesus Christ.
This is what the Bible teaches.
(John 1:12-13, John 14:6) Well, according to the Bible, the devil is going to hell.
He will be sent there at the time appointed of Almighty God.
Likewise, his children will also be sent there.
But you do not have to go there.
God loves you.
Receive His gift of eternal life and you will be able to rest assured that when you die, you will go the Heaven.
Just say, Lord Jesus Christ, I believe You are the Son of God.
I believe You died for me and shed Your blood to wash away my sins.
I believe You arose from the dead.
Come into my heart Lord Jesus.
I receive You as my Lord and personal Savior.
Thank You for saving me.
In Jesus Name.