Health & Medical Self-Improvement

So What is Self Procrastination and How Do You Overcome It? Let Me Show You Exactly How

Your subconscious thoughts are what result in the actions you choose to take on a daily basis; in return these actions will determine how you feel about yourself, your capabilities and your very own unique footprint on this earth.
It can affect every single area of your life including Business, Friendships, Family Life, Careers, Ability to study and reflect, Entrepreneurship, and even down to the daily maintenance and upkeep of your finances and daily tasks and chores.
Literally no thought can pass your subconscious mind without you experiencing some form of feeling, whether it be empowering or disempowering.
Each and every feeling that enters your mind will then determine the psychology of your thoughts connected with that feeling; feelings such as joy, stress, fear, happiness, sadness, love, lust, anger, upset, dis/empowerment, frustration, excitement and so many more.
By learning to change your thought patterns and how you perceive things in your daily life is totally accountable to you and you only.
Only when you are prepared to overcome any limiting thoughts can you then alter the psychology of the feelings connected to that thought; resulting in you taking more positive actions.
By communicating with yourself in a more positive frame of mind about situations and circumstances will allow you to overcome any limiting thoughts you may have, and this dear friend is all it takes to start tackling self procrastination.
Here are some tips that I have applied in my life to become the person I am today despite my past.
I have managed to overcome many of my life experiences that resulted in self limiting thoughts.
It takes determination on your half to overcome limiting beliefs but you can do it.
As a result of following these tips below and being determined to be successful and change my life around I know that these tips can work for you too in the same way they helped me.
Believe in yourself.
No other method that I know can help overcome limiting beliefs and self procrastination so rapidly and at such a fundamental level than changing that of "altering your own thoughts" And here are some useful tips to help you beat self procrastination Recognizing When You Are Procrastinating and Hitting It on the Head • Start by filling your day with highly motivating priorities that help you work towards your goals.
• Erase as many low priority tasks from your To Do List as possible or asking someone else for help to reduce your workload wherever possible.
If they can't be avoided make sure you have a "no worries, this doesn't matter" attitude and sharply move on to something motivating.
• Read your mail and open your bills when you have done something uplifting, motivating or have been inspired by something or someone.
The worst thing to do is to sit down first thing in the morning to a pile of bills and circulars when you are not feeling entirely motivated.
• Complete a daily task that helps you work towards your goal before opening your email box, making phone calls or going on social networking sites etc.
By doing this your are limiting any negative thoughts that may come from external sources.
Sitting down to start a high-priority task, will be very empowering and make it so much easier when later seeing to the littler things.
• Complete all priority tasks on your To Do list ASAP.
The feeling of accomplishment you will receive from this whether you enjoy the task or not are very rewarding after, and remember to do a motivating task first.
Don't have the "It can wait" attitude as its this that can create disempowering thoughts and feelings.
• Stop putting yourself in a "Yes, I'll do anything" attitude.
Regularly saying "Yes" to unimportant tasks will take you further from your goals.
If it can't be avoided then learn to say to yourself and others "NO, this must wait" • Put yourself in a positive mood no matter what the situation.
Remember that it's how YOU perceive something.
Your thoughts will then determine the actions you take.
Even if something is bad news you can still learn to alter your mindset to believe that it's OK to have felt that thought but now you wish to replace it by saying "thanks for showing yourself but I'd rather stay positive about this because I know I can accomplish anything" and that you can.
Remember; waiting for the "right mood" to come or the "right time" may never happen.
Key Points To hold a good chance of overcoming and conquering self procrastination, you first need to identify straight away when it is you're doing it and approaching it with a "can do this" attitude.
Give yourself a reward when you have completed a limiting task, thank it for it's appearance and how well you had managed it.
Then return to something motivating.

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