Health & Medical Self-Improvement

Three Simple Steps To Having A Great Day!

Many times I close an email or an article by saying, "Decide to have a great day!" Most of the time, I end my Blog by saying, "Decide to have a great day!" I really mean it! Decide to have a great day. You should make that decision as soon as possible every morning.

I'm sure you've heard expressions like, "Well, let's see what the day brings." Is that to say we have no control over whatever happens today, good, or bad? Are we just supposed to watch and see what kind of day comes toward us?

Does, "whatever the day brings," mean that if you have a bad day, it was just meant to be, because that's what the day brought? I say, "No."

I believe that you and I have a choice. I believe that we have that choice every single day.

The first step is to decide. Yes, I said, "decide!" Make a conscious decision the first thing in the morning to have a great day. Regardless of the challenges and obstacles, decide to have a great day.

Step one: Decide to have a great day.

The second step is to anticipate and expect to have a great day today. Keep in mind that this could very well be the greatest day of your life so far!

Now think logically for a minute. We are either in control of our lives or, our lives are being controlled. Why not look for, and expect great things to happen today? Why shouldn't this new day be a great day? As a matter of fact, this day could very well be the greatest day of your life so far!

You might think that to even consider that today could be the greatest day of your life so far, is really a stretch. Consider this. Suppose you knew ahead of time that today was indeed going to be the greatest day of your life so far. Would you call it off? Would you cancel the day? Absolutely not!

The question is, when are you going to have the greatest day of your life so far? It might as well be today!

Step two: Anticipate and expect to have a great day.

The third step in having a great day is to handle whatever comes your way with the attitude of someone who is having a great day. (You do have a choice.) For most people, if good things happen, then it's a good day. If something bad happens, then it's a lousy day.

Why let the challenges and obstacles that come up determine what kind of day you will have? You can decide to have a great day and then expect a great day. Remember, any challenges are just minor interruptions to your great day! How you decide to handle the daily challenges and obstacles will make a major difference in the kind of day that you will have.

Starting out the day by deciding and expecting to have a great day will put you in the right frame of mind to handle those challenges and obstacles. Instead of wondering what's going to go wrong next, you will be focused on, looking for and expecting great things to happen.

You are setting your own course for the day, instead of just being another boxcar on the train tracks. You've decided to travel on the exciting road of life instead of running in place on the "let's see what happens" tread mill.

So many missed opportunities happen when a person is negatively trying to just get through another day. Far too many people go through life with blinders on. They can't see great opportunity, even right in front of their face. They are not expecting or anticipating a great day; they are just trying to get through another lousy day.

Step Three: Handle any challenges with an "I'm having a great day" attitude.

It will take some practice to get in the habit of deciding and expecting to have a great day each morning. But as you keep at it you will be amazed at how many great days you have. In fact, after awhile, others around you are going to wonder, "What's up with you?"

As you get consistent at doing this you will soon not be just expecting a great day, but you will get to the point of expecting the greatest day of your life, every day!

The first step is to wake up and decide to have a great day. Second, anticipate and expect a great day. This could be the greatest day of your life so far! And third, handle everything that comes your way with the attitude of someone who is having a great day.

You can decide to have a great day!

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