Covert Hypnosis - You Can Be Secretly Hypnotized Without Suspecting A Thing!
"You can't hypnotize someone against their will.
' You will come across this statement again and again whenever you hear or read about hypnosis.
It's absolutely true; it's just that a covert hypnotist NEVER confronts the will of the subject! The general methods of Hypnosis When someone goes to a hypnotherapists' office, they go there with the expectation of hypnosis.
That is, they know that they are in the company of a hypnotist and there will be attempts to hypnotize them.
If at any point they decide whether consciously or unconsciously to resist the hypnotic process, then chances are it will fail.
Quite simply put: The subject is aware of the hypnotists' intent, therefore they have the power to reject or accept that intention.
Hypnosis - Hidden Intentions A covert hypnotist NEVER tells a person they are going to be hypnotized.
It's that simple.
Using very creative, yet normal sounding language and patterns of conversation, the covert hypnotist guides the subject into trance without resistance.
How is it done? To induce a state of hypnosis in the waking state (eyes open) a covert hypnotist follows the following general principles.
) Lead - The hypnotist takes control of the conversation and leads it to a covert hypnotic induction 2.
) Focus - The induction focuses the attention of the subject 3.
) Bypass Critical Factor - The conscious mind is absorbed by elements of the induction 4.
) Suggestions - The Covert Hypnotist delivers suggestions 5.
) Awakening - The subject is brought back to alert state So if you began talking to someone and minutes later you couldn't remember what was said, perhaps you were under the control of a covert hypnotist! Now that you have finished reading and you would like to know more about Persuasion, Influence and Seduction, I would like to invite you to download my free eBook and receive an informative 52 week newsletter at: www.
com [http://www.
com] OR alternatively, read more articles on my Blog : www.
' You will come across this statement again and again whenever you hear or read about hypnosis.
It's absolutely true; it's just that a covert hypnotist NEVER confronts the will of the subject! The general methods of Hypnosis When someone goes to a hypnotherapists' office, they go there with the expectation of hypnosis.
That is, they know that they are in the company of a hypnotist and there will be attempts to hypnotize them.
If at any point they decide whether consciously or unconsciously to resist the hypnotic process, then chances are it will fail.
Quite simply put: The subject is aware of the hypnotists' intent, therefore they have the power to reject or accept that intention.
Hypnosis - Hidden Intentions A covert hypnotist NEVER tells a person they are going to be hypnotized.
It's that simple.
Using very creative, yet normal sounding language and patterns of conversation, the covert hypnotist guides the subject into trance without resistance.
How is it done? To induce a state of hypnosis in the waking state (eyes open) a covert hypnotist follows the following general principles.
) Lead - The hypnotist takes control of the conversation and leads it to a covert hypnotic induction 2.
) Focus - The induction focuses the attention of the subject 3.
) Bypass Critical Factor - The conscious mind is absorbed by elements of the induction 4.
) Suggestions - The Covert Hypnotist delivers suggestions 5.
) Awakening - The subject is brought back to alert state So if you began talking to someone and minutes later you couldn't remember what was said, perhaps you were under the control of a covert hypnotist! Now that you have finished reading and you would like to know more about Persuasion, Influence and Seduction, I would like to invite you to download my free eBook and receive an informative 52 week newsletter at: www.
com [http://www.
com] OR alternatively, read more articles on my Blog : www.