Health & Medical Self-Improvement

Healthy Single Moms Secret #6 Is Rest & Relaxation

Kids and life take a lot of energy.
Take time out for rest and relaxation.
What relaxes and rejuvenates you? Maybe it's curling up with a good book and some hot chocolate, taking a warm bath with some essential oils, playing with your kids or going to a movie.
Spend time everyday doing things that relax you in order to de-stress your life.
Life is supposed to be fun and enjoyable, you need to nurture yourself through rest and relaxation to rejuvenate your energy to take on the world! Life is fun.
I am full of energy and it's because although my son means the world to me, I have always known that I must take care of me if I'm going to be the best I can be to take great care of my son.
No person can give and give and keep giving when they have nothing left to give.
You have to refill your tank, so to speak, if you are going to continue to be effective and keep moving forward.
Make a list of 10 things that would be nurturing to your spirit.
Keep that list handy and when you feel you need to de-stress and relax, pull it out, and pick one thing to do and do it.
You are worth it and you will feel so much better and get a lot more done by taking the time out for yourself.
Many times, people think they don't have time to relax, or meditate or whatever, but you will get more accomplished if you do those things that seem useless but in reality actually help you more in the long run.
We are an action oriented society and feel that you must be doing in order to be accomplishing something.
Quiet meditation, playing with your kids, soaking in essential oils will make you feel great and will give you more energy than continually going and running yourself into the ground.
It's unhealthy to go go go without a break and you can't keep up that pace forever.
It will eventually catch up to you.
For your health and your family's health, find the time to take good care of yourself.
Take time for yourself, nurture yourself, you are worth it!

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