Health & Medical Self-Improvement

Play With Your Panic Attack By Playing With Your Mind

Most people, when they encounter a panic attack, will immediately feel the rushing sensation in their body, and their mind will suddenly go everywhere, unable to be controlled. It might be true for you as well. When you experience sudden anxiety attacking your mind, you will tend to think all over the place. You will lose your self-control and be engulfed completely with fear and phobia that will make you unable to move.

Think about a stage fright. If you never speak in public before, you might immediately feel the panic sensation whenever somebody asked you to speak to a public audience. You will experience a stage fright, and you seem to be unable to move your legs, let alone your lips. You want to run, but you can't move your body either.

That's a common sensation of panic attack. But, there is something that you have to remember. Panic attack can only attack your mind. In other words, it's just a fragment of your imagination. So, the way you deal with it is to break the pattern within your mind that builds the anxiety that you are experiencing. Just challenge your mind!

Here's a good method that you will find helpful. Whenever you experience a sudden panic attack and you feel anxious all of the time without being able to control your thoughts, here are some things that you have to do:

1. Take an alarm clock with you. It can be your smartphone or just a regular alarm clock.

2. When you feel the panic, set the alarm clock to one minute stopwatch mode.

3. Then, play a little game with your mind. Tell yourself, €Well, myself, I'm sure you are now getting crazy over this thing. I would like to know how crazy it is for you. Give me all your best.€

4. Next, start the countdown in your stopwatch and watch the clock ticking. Tell yourself further, €If you can't prove that this panic sensation is not just an illusion, I'll control the situation fully. I'll give you 60 seconds.€

5. Then, start thinking about your panic and find all the reasons why you should be anxious in this situation. Intensify the feeling for as long as the stopwatch clock is still ticking.

6. Once the clock goes to zero, tell yourself again, €Well, there's nothing dangerous ahead. It proves that this panic sensation is just an illusion. Ok, let's move.€

When you do this simple trick, you are actually playing with your mind to prove its own point. Why should you get anxious in this situation? You'll let your mind to give the reason. Then, whatever the reason, you'll just stop it from giving you the panic sensation once the clock is going to zero. You simply move on after that as if you don't have any kind of panic or anxiety.

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