Mental Health : Health & Medical

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Behavioral Therapy - Family therapy for teens, couples & families

Behavioral Therapy - Family therapy for teens, couples & families

Family is a system which is composed of interdependent and interrelated parts. Relationships in a family are emotionally complicated and connected. There are no perfect parents and there
Health, Wealth and Peace of Mind

Health, Wealth and Peace of Mind

There are many...Many products and services on the internet that can help people gain better health finances and peace of mind. The hope is that we can tap into the ones that will work for us.
You Need to Know About Anxiety Attack Symptoms - Not Head to the State Mental Hospital

You Need to Know About Anxiety Attack Symptoms - Not Head to the State Mental Hospital

Having an idea of some common anxiety attack indicators can save you excessive worry. Having this information won't necessarily reduce the severity of the episode but at least you will know you aren't going crazy.
The Best Way to Treat Depression

The Best Way to Treat Depression

According to the Mayo Clinic, depression is one of the world's most common afflictions. Depression is an overwhelming condition that has both emotional and physical effects. Common symptoms include sadness, loss of interest in normal activities and trouble with concentration and sleeping. Three comm
Panic Attacks - You CAN Stop Living in Fear

Panic Attacks - You CAN Stop Living in Fear

Has this ever happened to you? It's 11:48 PM. You have been in bed one hour and 48 minutes already. You were exhausted when you settled in to your familiar, comfortable position but once your ...
Polarity, The 5 Elements, And You

Polarity, The 5 Elements, And You

Polarity Therapy, developed by Dr. Randolph Stone, D.C., D.O., (1890-1981), is a comprehensive system of balancing these body/mind/spirit energies through bodywork, nutrition, exercise, and counselingLearn how to balance the 5 body energies of Either, Air, Fire, Water, and Earth to improve the healt
Clear PTSD Negativity That Are Like Dark Clouds

Clear PTSD Negativity That Are Like Dark Clouds

We have entered a New Age of enlightenment on December 21, 2012 some say. Those of us who are striving to connect to our spirituality celebrate a new day! The other side of this spiritual ...
Causes of Mental Disorders

Causes of Mental Disorders

It can be difficult to determine the cause for the development of mental disorders. Obtaining a comprehensive history is responsible in diagnosing any type of mental disorder. Typically, a trained professional will perform a bio-psychosocial assessment to consider all factors that may contribute to
Supplements For ADHD Children - Two Powerful Safe and Effective Natural Options

Supplements For ADHD Children - Two Powerful Safe and Effective Natural Options

The idea of supplements for ADHD children is a polarizing topic with supporters of conventional medications lining up on one side and natural health advocates on the other. But what can't be disputed is that ...
New Developments in CNS Drugs

New Developments in CNS Drugs

More stringent analysis of CATIE data narrows the gap between first- and second-generation antipsychotics, according to a presentation at the 2008 U.S. Psychiatric and Mental Health Congress.
Marriage Counseling Can Be Beneficial

Marriage Counseling Can Be Beneficial

Marriage Counseling can be a good way to bring your marriage back from the brink.
The Best Way to Sleep With Congestion

The Best Way to Sleep With Congestion

Congestion, which is caused by swollen tissue lining in the nose, can interfere with normal breathing, and the affected person's sense of smell and taste, in addition to interfering with their ability to sleep. Fortunately, several different methods of relieving the symptoms of congestion can be uti
How To Remember Things Better Now

How To Remember Things Better Now

As we age, the brain ages too. When the brain ages, it can cause memory problems like forgetfulness and the ability to remember things. Here are 4 skills you can practice and incorporate into your daily lives on how to remember things better.
How to Overcome Shoplifting

How to Overcome Shoplifting

Shoplifting is the act of stealing items from stores. There may be "professional" shoplifters that steal items for the purpose of reselling them, most shoplifters don't fall into this category. Some people suffer from a compulsion known as kleptomania, while others may steal for various reasons--inc
Mind Over Matter - The Power of the Subconscious Mind

Mind Over Matter - The Power of the Subconscious Mind

The power of the subconscious mind has been used by a lot of people to improve their health, their wealth, and their lives in general. Others have sworn upon it that it has helped them improve their lives drastically while others say that it helped them heal their bodies. Some people rely on it for
Available Treatments for Anxiety

Available Treatments for Anxiety

When you are looking into getting help for your anxiety you really need to take a look at the situation as a whole. Just knowing and being able to admit that there is a problem ...
Where to Go When You Feel Lost

Where to Go When You Feel Lost

Sometimes we all feel lost. We do not know where to you. There is a place where we can restore our awareness. It is our Self. Or it is Nature that helps us to refind the way out of our feeling lost.
Anxiety Attack Help 911

Anxiety Attack Help 911

Even Though you not realize it, you are your greatest source of anxiety attack help. For most of us who are sufferers of anxiety attacks, the fear of an attack can be debilitating. But how ...
Reasons People Start Smoking

Reasons People Start Smoking

Lighting that first cigarette is just as dangerous as lighting your 100th.cigarette and lighter image by Aditia Patria Warman from Fotolia.comIt is well known that smoking is a deadly habit. Yet even with mandated Surgeon General's Warnings stating the health risks on each pack of...
Mental Side Effects of Thalomid

Mental Side Effects of Thalomid

Thalomid (thalidomide) is a prescription medication used to treat skin conditions associated with leprosy. Despite its effectiveness, Thalomid is not for everyone as it presents several risks for side effects and complications in some patients.