Supplements For ADHD Children - Two Powerful Safe and Effective Natural Options
The idea of supplements for ADHD children is a polarizing topic with supporters of conventional medications lining up on one side and natural health advocates on the other. But what can't be disputed is that an alarming number of prescriptions for Ritalin, along with other popular prescription medications are being written for children despite the both long and short term risks involved. In fact, last year over 4,000 prescriptions were written for children under two. A truly stunning statistic.
While prescription medications can be effective when closely monitored for dosage and effectiveness, side effects are possible, and most of these drugs should not even be considered for children under the age of six for a myriad of reasons, ranging from developmental issues to toxicity concerns. Recent studies indicate that one in four children either have a negative reaction or don't respond to the first stimulant medication prescribed. So in some ways embarking on a path of prescription medications is a lot like playing Russian roulette with your child's health.
All these facts leads us back to finding supplements for ADHD children which are generally considered to be a safe and effective option especially when combined with other non prescription treatments. Let's explore a few supplements for ADHD children which have shown good results in recent studies.
*Omega 3 and Omega 6 fatty acids: Essential fatty acids are vital for brain and nervous system health and development, cell health, and brain function. Surprisingly the body does not product the essential fatty acids most important to these processes; DHA and EPA. They must be acquired from diet or supplementation. A number of recent studies suggest that children under the age of 10 are eighty percent deficient. Additionally, a recent clinical study involving 117 children found that after only 90 days of supplementation significant improvement was seen in reading, spelling, and general behavior.
*Homeopathic remedies: One of the most well received supplements for ADHD children has been homeopathy. Homeopathic formulations combine herbal and natural dilutions to achieve results. The anecdotal evidence is very strong to support both safety and efficacy with these formulas. In one recent study involving 43 children, which had been diagnosed with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, the children were given either a placebo or a homeopathic remedy. The results were quite amazing with almost 60 percent showing continued improvement even after the homeopathic remedy was removed, and an additional 19 percent showing improvement with continued supplementation. That leaves 21 percent who either relapsed or did not respond. Nevertheless, no side effects were reported and these results were quite impressive. Despite these very encouraging results more studies need to be done to confirm the findings.
In summary, the two supplements for ADHD children seem to have produced both safe and effective results that exceeded expectations. What is also known is that multiple approaches seems to improve results. For instance combining omega 3 supplementation such as pharmaceutical grade fish oil, with homeopathic natural remedies for ADHD, and slight diet modifications (reducing sugar and simple carbohydrates) could be a powerful natural three step approach worth considering.
While prescription medications can be effective when closely monitored for dosage and effectiveness, side effects are possible, and most of these drugs should not even be considered for children under the age of six for a myriad of reasons, ranging from developmental issues to toxicity concerns. Recent studies indicate that one in four children either have a negative reaction or don't respond to the first stimulant medication prescribed. So in some ways embarking on a path of prescription medications is a lot like playing Russian roulette with your child's health.
All these facts leads us back to finding supplements for ADHD children which are generally considered to be a safe and effective option especially when combined with other non prescription treatments. Let's explore a few supplements for ADHD children which have shown good results in recent studies.
*Omega 3 and Omega 6 fatty acids: Essential fatty acids are vital for brain and nervous system health and development, cell health, and brain function. Surprisingly the body does not product the essential fatty acids most important to these processes; DHA and EPA. They must be acquired from diet or supplementation. A number of recent studies suggest that children under the age of 10 are eighty percent deficient. Additionally, a recent clinical study involving 117 children found that after only 90 days of supplementation significant improvement was seen in reading, spelling, and general behavior.
*Homeopathic remedies: One of the most well received supplements for ADHD children has been homeopathy. Homeopathic formulations combine herbal and natural dilutions to achieve results. The anecdotal evidence is very strong to support both safety and efficacy with these formulas. In one recent study involving 43 children, which had been diagnosed with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, the children were given either a placebo or a homeopathic remedy. The results were quite amazing with almost 60 percent showing continued improvement even after the homeopathic remedy was removed, and an additional 19 percent showing improvement with continued supplementation. That leaves 21 percent who either relapsed or did not respond. Nevertheless, no side effects were reported and these results were quite impressive. Despite these very encouraging results more studies need to be done to confirm the findings.
In summary, the two supplements for ADHD children seem to have produced both safe and effective results that exceeded expectations. What is also known is that multiple approaches seems to improve results. For instance combining omega 3 supplementation such as pharmaceutical grade fish oil, with homeopathic natural remedies for ADHD, and slight diet modifications (reducing sugar and simple carbohydrates) could be a powerful natural three step approach worth considering.