Health & Medical Mental Health

Behavioral Therapy - Family therapy for teens, couples & families

Family is a system which is composed of interdependent and interrelated parts. Relationships in a family are emotionally complicated and connected. There are no perfect parents and there are no perfect children, and therefore there are no perfect families. When families are confronting such kind of difficulties, it is mostly because a child is acting out in some way. The various pressures that teens experience, including the changes happening within themselves, are among the major social concern of most of the today's parents and rightly so. As a result of the inability to cope with all the possible changes which are happening during this life stage, many teens and pre-teens develop extreme behavioral issues as well as eating disorders or even addictions to drugs or drinking. Family counseling for troubled teens and tweens is often recommended, the whole family can benefit from the expertise of a professional counselor. Many parents of teens lose confidence in themselves and in their ability to parent due to the difficulties and behavior problems their kids confront. More and more are reaching out to psychologists for counseling. Professional family counselors work with these type of parents to help them understand what is happening to their teens physically, mentally, emotionally and socially.

Behavior Therapy: Bodies of teens are changing since they are experiencing a rapid physical growth. Most of the teen kids feel uncomfortable and often times clumsy. Puberty can be the reason for embarrassment and withdrawal. Teens may be stubborn, aggravating and argumentative for seemingly no apparent reason from an adult perspective. However, when bearing the brunt of this often frustrating behavior, parents of teen kids need to remember that teens have a strong need to express themselves and to safe guard their ever-changing and expanding social scene. They are opting for different friends and experiencing new peer pressures. Often, the emotional life of teen kids is a roller coaster ride, happy and carefree one moment and tearful the next. Family counselors can be a tremendous help for a parent to cope up during such times.

As part of the family counseling process, therapists may choose to spend one on one time with every member of the family, hearing their perspectives and learning how each feels in individual situations. Family counselors also can help the teen's parents to learn new ways to assist their teens in formulating discipline, problem solving and effective anger management and time management skills. Therapists can also assist parents in dealing with teen and pre-teen ups and downs.

No one is an Island, Of course teens also need space, time and near-infinite patience to blossom into the amazing adults they can become. Family counseling can be a great help for parents, teens and preteens, and even other siblings better understand each other and learn new ways to effectively deal with and get over behavioral issues and other challenges.

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