Clear PTSD Negativity That Are Like Dark Clouds
We have entered a New Age of enlightenment on December 21, 2012 some say.
Those of us who are striving to connect to our spirituality celebrate a new day!
The other side of this spiritual fence is those left with PTSD, like you and me.
We have a choice to let those dark emotions go so we can grow, you see.
A strategy is knowing our enemy that grows from negative thinking each day.
What then is negative thinking, and how should we keep it away?
Examples of such are described in scripture Matthew 5:28.
Jesus described just thinking about lusting after a woman is enough to negate.
Our thoughts declare what is in our hearts whether good or bad.
Contemplating on beauty and mercy with blessings will keep us from being sad.
We need to trick our mind's patterns by stopping each dark thought right away.
This will take some practice, but the reward is creating healing that will stay.
When the past tries to sneak harmful memories in we need to stop it there.
A tip is to get down on bended knees and give them up to Christ to bear.
For He is the Son that shines on such darkness, that brings it to day.
All we need do to activate His glory and goodness is to start to pray.
This becomes a catalyst to destroying depression and opening the door to trust.
The Holy Spirit whirls in and paves the way with a mighty thrust!
Psalms 139:23 resounds for God to try and search our thoughts that abound.
Ask to be protected from any wicked cords or devices that may be found.
Further ask to be delivered from the violent person with a dangerous plan.
This will negate any attempt to catch us in their wicked gin, be woman or man.
Be aware that once we choose to be on the righteous path, trials will beset us all.
Our protection is provided through prayer that will catch us before we can fall.
Another tip is to know that God protects the lowly, but punishes the prideful.
Meditating with positive affirmations each day will allow us to be mindful.
Then those dark clouds of thoughts will also be cleared.
We can then contemplate on what joy we have and not on what we feared.
The power of healing ourselves is in being present and centered you see.
Being still in silence will give us the answers we need to attract prosperity!
Those of us who are striving to connect to our spirituality celebrate a new day!
The other side of this spiritual fence is those left with PTSD, like you and me.
We have a choice to let those dark emotions go so we can grow, you see.
A strategy is knowing our enemy that grows from negative thinking each day.
What then is negative thinking, and how should we keep it away?
Examples of such are described in scripture Matthew 5:28.
Jesus described just thinking about lusting after a woman is enough to negate.
Our thoughts declare what is in our hearts whether good or bad.
Contemplating on beauty and mercy with blessings will keep us from being sad.
We need to trick our mind's patterns by stopping each dark thought right away.
This will take some practice, but the reward is creating healing that will stay.
When the past tries to sneak harmful memories in we need to stop it there.
A tip is to get down on bended knees and give them up to Christ to bear.
For He is the Son that shines on such darkness, that brings it to day.
All we need do to activate His glory and goodness is to start to pray.
This becomes a catalyst to destroying depression and opening the door to trust.
The Holy Spirit whirls in and paves the way with a mighty thrust!
Psalms 139:23 resounds for God to try and search our thoughts that abound.
Ask to be protected from any wicked cords or devices that may be found.
Further ask to be delivered from the violent person with a dangerous plan.
This will negate any attempt to catch us in their wicked gin, be woman or man.
Be aware that once we choose to be on the righteous path, trials will beset us all.
Our protection is provided through prayer that will catch us before we can fall.
Another tip is to know that God protects the lowly, but punishes the prideful.
Meditating with positive affirmations each day will allow us to be mindful.
Then those dark clouds of thoughts will also be cleared.
We can then contemplate on what joy we have and not on what we feared.
The power of healing ourselves is in being present and centered you see.
Being still in silence will give us the answers we need to attract prosperity!