Health & Medical Mental Health

Anxiety Attack Help 911

Even Though you not realize it, you are your greatest source of anxiety attack help. For most of us who are sufferers of anxiety attacks, the fear of an attack can be debilitating. But how often do we ever take a moment to see how we contribute to our own attacks?

Specific things must happen in our body and in our minds to trigger an anxiety attack. If you were to deliberately have a panic attack what would you actions would you have to take?

First, you would probably have to increase your breathing to an almost hyperventilating rate. This is a big on for most people. You might next have to open your eyes wider than usual and tense the muscles in your face. You'd also have to tighten the muscles in your back and neck and look down and ponder something dreadful and immediate.

Do I have your attention now? What else would you have to do to help yourself have an anxiety attack? What would you have to imagine or see in your mind? I'd guess you have to make dark, terrifying images of circumstances that you have no control over. How do you do that, exactly?

What do you have to do to make yourself feel out of control and hopeless? Maybe a better question to ask yourself if you want anxiety attack help is how do you deliberately make yourself feel in control and that you have hope for your well being?

Do you gather a little courage and some optimism? Do you make brighter, more inspiring pictures in your mind? How about standing a little taller and lifting you head, breathing a little deeper, ready to face what's on the horizon? Is it possible for you to be willing to accept the challenge of facing what scares you? Can you decide to be willing to face it and remain the tiniest bit honest and hopeful?

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