Life Transitions and PTSD-Topic Overview
You go through many transitions,or changes,in your life. They can be good,bad,or just something different. Transitions include getting married or divorced,moving,a new baby,a new job,or changes in your health. All transitions can be stressful. Even a good transition,such as getting a better job,is a
What are the causes of an anxiety attack?
There is a difference between the cause of an anxiety attack or panic attack, and the trigger of an anxiety attack. There can be many personal triggers, such as driving a car, or sitting an exam. Howe
Visualization and How Your Thoughts Can Shape Your Future
Visualization is something we all do every single day of our lives. But mostly it happens unconsciously. However, there are endless possibilities in visualization, but most of us are not aware of it.
Surgeon General Releases Suicide-Prevention Strategy
Report Calls for Schools, the Media, Doctors, and Others to Do Their Part
Are You Notice that We tend to Get Hypnotized All The Time?
Implementing self-hypnosis to yourself and to others may totally draw out one's essential capability and also strengths. Not just it enables persons to transform their own incorrect thinking
Facts About Opioid Replacement Therapy
Do You Need Methadone Rehabilitation? Methadone is a synthetic opioid mainly prescribed as a long range replacement therapy for dependence to opioids. While methadone was once administered strictly at licensed methadone rehabilitation detox hospitals and drug clinics, within the past several years t
Turn PTSD Past Poverty Into The Present With Prosperity
Turn PTSD Past Poverty Into The Present With Prosperity In Philippians 3:13-4:23 Saint Paul gives us wondrous instruction for happiness. His message is inspired through like-mindedness to keep even PTSD at regress. The goal is ...
Natural Sleep Remedies: Melatonin
Melatonin is a hormone that is produced in the pineal gland in the brain. It regulates the sleep/wake cycle and, along with other factors, it also helps to regulate the body's circadian rhythm. Maintaining this cycle of daily physiological and behavioral processes is important to overall health. Eve
The Top 10 Signs a Child or Teen Needs Professional Counseling
THE TOP 10 SIGNS A CHILD OR TEEN MAY NEED PROFESSIONAL COUNSELING Many think of childhood and adolescence as a carefree time. For some, it is. Others however, do not seem to go through childhood ...
How Does a Sleeping Pill Work?
Missing from DreamlandThe emotional roller-coaster called life can cause people to have sleepless nights from time to time. Anxiety tends to steal our sleep when we may be nervous about a new job or the bills piling up. Sometimes our circadian rhythms simply change or get...
Information on Obsessive Compulsive Disorder
Information on Obsessive Compulsive Disorder can be found in a multitude of places, examples of this would be sources like the internet, the library, television programs, magazines, as well as other people around you. OCD has been known about for quite some time now and because of that, the result i
Psychological Issues of First Generation Immigrants
First-generation immigrants usually make the move based on a desire for freedom, for educational reasons, religious reasons or for the general safety and well-being of self or family. First-generation immigrants are sometime unfamiliar with the language and views of the country they move to, which c
What Medication to Take for Attention Deficit Disorder?
Once a diagnosis of attention deficit disorder (ADD) is obtained, the next question is how to treat it. For many people, treatment for ADD includes a medication regime using one of several available medications developed for the disorder. Knowing the differences in the medications and the role they
Stress-Busting Help Comes From Hormone
It is believed that DHEA-S is secreted in response to stress and impacts the body's response to a stressful situation. It could also enhance memory and decrease depression.
What Are Positive Reasons to Drink Alcohol?
There are numerous negative statistics floating around about the dangers of alcohol, and most, if not all, are true. However, despite the many negative aspects of imbibing, there are plenty of positive ones as well. Alcohol -- in moderation -- can be heart healthy and can help you to fight off a num
Anahata Or the Heart Chakra
The fourth chakra is the Heart Chakra. It is called the Anahata which means unstruck. In the beginning there was the power of the "word" (shabdbrahman), which is the point of creation. Being the middle chakra in a system of seven, the Anahata or "Unstruck Sound" is that place whe
Characteristics of Substance Abuse
Substance abuse is accompanied by a host of signs and symptoms.drug abuse image by Keith Frith from Fotolia.comKnowing the characteristics of substance abuse is the first step in determining if you or someone you know may be abusing drugs or alcohol. According to Helpguide's Drug Abuse...
The Links Between Infections and Psychiatric Diseases
This article reviews types of psychopathology that have been or can be etiologically related to infectious agents.
Advanced ACL Rehab Exercises
Stockbyte/Stockbyte/Getty ImagesThe Anterior Cruciate Ligament (ACL) is located in the center of the knee. The function of the ACL is to prevent the tibia from moving ahead of the femur. If the ACL tears or fails to perform properly, then you will not be able to withstand any pressure on...
Frequently Asked Mental Health Questions
Self-confidence is about recognising your true nature of mind. This is where people develop their true self-confidence. When they learn to get beyond their ego. It starts with trying not to be overly concerned what other people think of you. Problems arise (in regards to self-confidence) when this o