Health & Medical Mental Health

What are the causes of an anxiety attack?

There is a difference between the cause of an anxiety attack or panic attack, and the trigger of an anxiety attack. There can be many personal triggers, such as driving a car,sitting an exam, or public speaking.

However, the cause of an anxiety attack and panic attack is a slightly faulty, perfectly normal physical response. The body's response to a perception of danger; the fight or flight response.

When the body or mind perceives itself to be in danger it prepares to protect itself. The adrenal glands send out a chemical signal (adrenaline) to the sympathetic nervous system, and then the body does what comes naturally to it, it prepares to defend itself or run away!

The fight or flight effects are:

* An increased heart rate - the body sends more oxygen to the muscles.
* The blood leaves the extremities - more oxygen to the major muscles.
* The digestive system slows down - again allowing more oxygen and energy to go where it will be needed.
* Respiration increases - more oxygen supplied to the body.
* Pupils dilate - allow more light, better sight.
* Decrease in salvation
* Muscle groups - tense ready for action
* The body starts to convert its fat stores to energy.
* Mental priority is to look for the source of danger

If the source of "danger" is our own fear and our very active imagination our mind starts to panic!

At this point the anxiety, physical response, and the panic become an escalating vicious circle....Panic Attack!

After the first panic attack we are afraid of the sensations and the consequences the attack had, so we become more anxious and start to fear the panic attacks themselves. This is how a panic attack can develop into a panic disorder.

The best way to overcome this learned disorder is to change the way we think,feel and react to the symptoms of anxiety attacks. The best way of doing this is by using a Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) based technique or programme. These types of therapy have proved very successful in curing anxiety, as long as the suffer is committed to doing the work required

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