Turn PTSD Past Poverty Into The Present With Prosperity
Turn PTSD Past Poverty Into The Present With Prosperity
In Philippians 3:13-4:23 Saint Paul gives us wondrous instruction for happiness.
His message is inspired through like-mindedness to keep even PTSD at regress.
The goal is to put off the past trauma, like a garment that no longer fits.
He warns us to beware of those that only value the belly filled with worldly tidbits.
We are spiritually advised that those mentioned also glory in their shame.
When their end comes in destruction they have only themselves to blame.
The revelation revealed is that Christ can change our vile body to fashion His.
A new creature is formed not only for man, but prayed to help the labored Ms.
Saint Paul encourages us to rejoice in the Lord not once, but twice!
After all, a repentant heart is forgiven because Christ paid the price.
We are told to be content in even poverty portrayed as life abased.
Our lesson is to find joy in whatsoever state of circumstances we are placed.
The key to this is that we are given strength by Christ to do all things.
By forgetting those things that are behind us and reaching forward prosperity rings!
For those who have abundance, an opportunity to give serves Christ this way.
Sharing time, money, and empathy is how we show we have love and then pray.
A tip to acquire abundance, when there is only deficiency is to avoid doubt.
Prayer and fasting with contemplation will give our lack of faith a turn-about!
Jesus tells us to ask for whatever we want always in supplication through prayer.
What is then required is thanksgiving to the One who is our sins' bearer.
Here is a sound strategy to be granted access to the Universe in prosperity.
Through prayer and meditation you will be given the proper affirmation, you see.
Do not get discouraged if your past problems just will not go away.
Be positive and diligent saying your affirmations at least twice a day.
Then one by one you will learn what is blocking you from moving forward.
Remove all opposition of fear, anger, doubt, and forgiving self pushing onward!
In Philippians 3:13-4:23 Saint Paul gives us wondrous instruction for happiness.
His message is inspired through like-mindedness to keep even PTSD at regress.
The goal is to put off the past trauma, like a garment that no longer fits.
He warns us to beware of those that only value the belly filled with worldly tidbits.
We are spiritually advised that those mentioned also glory in their shame.
When their end comes in destruction they have only themselves to blame.
The revelation revealed is that Christ can change our vile body to fashion His.
A new creature is formed not only for man, but prayed to help the labored Ms.
Saint Paul encourages us to rejoice in the Lord not once, but twice!
After all, a repentant heart is forgiven because Christ paid the price.
We are told to be content in even poverty portrayed as life abased.
Our lesson is to find joy in whatsoever state of circumstances we are placed.
The key to this is that we are given strength by Christ to do all things.
By forgetting those things that are behind us and reaching forward prosperity rings!
For those who have abundance, an opportunity to give serves Christ this way.
Sharing time, money, and empathy is how we show we have love and then pray.
A tip to acquire abundance, when there is only deficiency is to avoid doubt.
Prayer and fasting with contemplation will give our lack of faith a turn-about!
Jesus tells us to ask for whatever we want always in supplication through prayer.
What is then required is thanksgiving to the One who is our sins' bearer.
Here is a sound strategy to be granted access to the Universe in prosperity.
Through prayer and meditation you will be given the proper affirmation, you see.
Do not get discouraged if your past problems just will not go away.
Be positive and diligent saying your affirmations at least twice a day.
Then one by one you will learn what is blocking you from moving forward.
Remove all opposition of fear, anger, doubt, and forgiving self pushing onward!