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Memory Experiments in Psychology

Memory Experiments in Psychology

Recently, I've read about a memory experiment in psychology. At first I though there would be nothing new. What can they prove that I still haven't heard of? But to be honest, I've changed my ...
Harmful Effects of Roundup

Harmful Effects of Roundup

Roundup is a common domestic and agricultural herbicide.spray image by dinostock from Fotolia.comRoundup is the brand name of glyphosate, a herbicide used both agriculturally and domestically in many countries (including the United States). Roundup works by disrupting the production of...
How Often Can You Change Life Insurance Providers?

How Often Can You Change Life Insurance Providers?

When you purchase car insurance, you just need one insurance provider. You may change your car insurance company from time to time, but there's no need for more than one provider. Life insurance works a bit differently. You can have multiple life insurance policies with multiple providers. You can c
What Are Some Ways to Help Relieve Stress?

What Are Some Ways to Help Relieve Stress?

Over the last few years stress has been connected more and more with disease and unhappiness. Stress relief is becoming an essential part of day-to-day life. Here are some active methods to deal with those pesky feelings of stress.
Dissecting the Symptoms of ADHD

Dissecting the Symptoms of ADHD

This article discusses the symptoms of ADHD.It also discusses the actions that take place with these symptoms.
Addiction Recovery 2.0

Addiction Recovery 2.0

According to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, almost 2 million people this year will find themselves entering some kind of rehabilitation for abuse of various drugs or alcohol.In the past 70 years or so, these alcoholics and addicts would have left various rehabilitation institution
Why Do People Get Stage Fright?

Why Do People Get Stage Fright?

People may get stage fright for several reasons. However, stage fright is more common when a performer lacks confidence or there are stressful circumstances, such as failing to be properly prepared.
Home Recipes For Natural Migraine Relief

Home Recipes For Natural Migraine Relief

Even the worst kinds of problems have simple solutions. Even the most difficult challenges have easy answ
New Medications For the Treatment of ADHD

New Medications For the Treatment of ADHD

In the last year the F.D.A.has approved the use of Daytrana, which is the methylphenidate skin patch designed to be used with children between the ages of six and twelve years of age. Effective up to 12 hours, the most significant advantage of this approach concerns the fact that the patch can be re
Panic Attacks - How I Stopped Mine in 30 Days

Panic Attacks - How I Stopped Mine in 30 Days

I have been a victim of panic attacks since my childhood. The reason why my panic attacks kept worsening as I grew older was the hard fact that I suppressed them. I never let anyone know that I was suffering from panic attacks and this in turn allowed my anxiety related attacks to worsen and become
Treat mental disorders with accurate depression therapy

Treat mental disorders with accurate depression therapy

One common depression therapy is medication,also known dubbed as antidepressant. Different kinds of antidepressants exist in the market , which are prescribed with consideration of the minimum or leas
Sexual Addiction and the Road to Recovery

Sexual Addiction and the Road to Recovery

Maybe it isn't as obvious as alcohol or drug addiction. Maybe it is as discreet as it can get. But the reality is sexual addiction has similar or even greater debilitation effect not only to
The Average Treatment Length for Depression

The Average Treatment Length for Depression

Average treatment length for depression varies depending on the type of depression and treatment methods used. Individuals with mild or situational depression may benefit from short-term treatment, but severe and persistent depression can require lifelong treatment.
New Genetic Clues to Posttraumatic Stress Disorder

New Genetic Clues to Posttraumatic Stress Disorder

An international team of researchers says it has found a gene and its associated protein that appears to play a key role in how well women withstand stress and fear, which may influence the development of posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) after a stressful event.
What Are the Treatments for Agrophobia?

What Are the Treatments for Agrophobia?

Agoraphobia is an overwhelming anxiety experienced when a person who suffers from the disorder is outside of his safe zone. Some agoraphobics experience anxiety so severe that they can't even walk outside of their homes.
The Teenage Brain: Why Your Adolescent is Like a Puppy Dog

The Teenage Brain: Why Your Adolescent is Like a Puppy Dog

The puppy dog analogy stems from new understanding of teenage brain development. There is a lot to be learned from comparing the two.
Make Worrying at Thing of the Past and Free your Future

Make Worrying at Thing of the Past and Free your Future

If you are overly obsessed about what may or may not happen tomorrow, you are totally missing the enjoyment of living each day of your wonderful life and depriving yourself of the excitement that your ...
Second-Chance Summary

Second-Chance Summary

Here Are Some Highlights of What Happened in Medical News This Past Week
Cognitive Therapy and Training For Children With Learning Disabilities

Cognitive Therapy and Training For Children With Learning Disabilities

Has your child been left behind? In our schools today, a large number of parents are being faced with this question.Their child has fallen behind and lacks the ability to learn and succeed in today's society. They have been tagged as slow learner's and problem children with A.D.D.and A.D.H
How To Overcome Agoraphobia - The Disease And Its Nature

How To Overcome Agoraphobia - The Disease And Its Nature

We hear of mental disorders yet calm ourselves by believing that it will not affect us. Panic attacks, social anxieties and anxiety problems are also forms of mental disorders. These problems can vary from being slight irritations to the unbearable agoraphobia. This is a state that can affect anyone