Health & Medical Mental Health

Life Transitions and PTSD-Topic Overview

Life Transitions and PTSD-Topic Overview You go through many transitions, or changes, in your life. They can be good, bad, or just something different. Transitions include getting married or divorced, moving, a new baby, a new job, or changes in your health.

All transitions can be stressful. Even a good transition, such as getting a better job, is a change and can cause stress.

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During a transition, you may not feel sure of yourself. You may feel that you have lost something or feel nervous about the change. If you feel this way during a transition, you may notice more intense symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).
  • You may not sleep well and may have nightmares.
  • You may feel more anxious or nervous.
  • You may feel distant from friends.
  • You may feel angry, sad, or depressed.

The worries that a transition brings usually go away as you adjust to the change. To help yourself during this time, you can:
  • Get enough sleep.
  • Eat well.
  • Get exercise.
  • Avoid alcohol and drugs.
  • Talk to family and friends about it.

If your PTSD symptoms are still bad months after the transition, see your doctor.

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