Analysis of Lymph Nodal Metastases in Malignant Melanoma Using
These models might provide useful tools for evaluating patients with stage N0 malignant neoplasms.
Care of the Patient With an Autism Spectrum Disorder
What potential complications are associated with autism spectrum disorders?
Mindfulness in Participatory Medicine
This paper outlines and explores 3 decades of evidence for the relevance of mindfulness in the model of Participatory Medicine.
Vortioxetine for Major Depressive Disorder
Vortioxetine is a recently approved antidepressant with a unique mechanism of action. This review summarizes available data regarding the efficacy and safety of vortioxetine for the treatment of MDD.
Incidence of Diabetic Retinopathy in Type 2 Diabetes
This large study indicated that screening for diabetic retinopathy in patients with type 2 diabetes and an initial negative result could safely be extended beyond the currently recommended one year.
Neonatal Nurse Practitioners
What's the best strategy for getting more neonatal nurse practitioners in the workforce?
Ticagrelor vs Clopidogrel in Non-ST-Elevation ACS
In patients with NSTE-ACS, is there a benefit of ticagrelor over clopidogrel for reducing ischemic events and total mortality?
Anaesthetic Drugs and Survival in Cardiac Surgery
Does the type of anesthetic used in cardiac surgery effect patient survival?
Cost and QOL Estimates With Early vs Late Entry to HIV Care
How much does it cost to live with HIV? This study examines lifetime cost related to entry into care.
Patients With Diabetes Requiring ED Care for Hypoglycemia
Gain a better understanding of the characteristics and outcomes of type 1 and type 2 diabetics who present to the ED with hypoglycemia.
Racial/Ethnic Disparities in ART Adherence in the US
Why are patients of some race/ethnic groups less adherent to antiretroviral therapy?
Patient Care Transitions From the ED to the Medicine Ward
This study evaluated the impact of a new electronic handoff tool for emergency department to medicine ward patient transfers. Did it improve patient safety?
Translating Guidelines into Primary Care of Patients With Type 2 Diabetes
Optimal glycemic control is fundamental to diabetes management. What are the new diabetes guidelines, and how can you implement them in your practice?
Epidemiology of Plasmodium Infections Using Real-time PCR
The sensitivity of real-time PCR can reveal sub microscopic Plasmodium infections and could be a useful tool in the battle against malaria.
Basic Assessment of Urinary Incontinence
Behavioral techniques are currently accepted as the frontline therapy in the treatment of urinary incontinence.
The Genetics of Panic Disorder
The neurobiologic basis of panic disorder, and the complex genetic factors involved, are explored in this review. Will identifiable panic disorder risk genes be a reality in the near future?
Primary IgA Nephropathy in North India: Is it Different?
IgA nephropathy is traditionally identified with men in their mid 30s. Why is this disease presenting earlier and more aggressively in the north Indian population?
Statin-Associated Muscle Symptoms: Impact on Statin Therapy
Statin-associated muscle symptoms are one of the principal reasons for statin non-adherence. What's the plan when patients don't tolerate statins?
Pharmacy Practice Chairs' Perspectives on Part-time Faculty
What are the challenges of using part-time faculty in pharmacy schools?
SATB2 as a Diagnostic Marker for Tumors of Colorectal Origin
This study indicates that the SATB2 protein may serve as a promising marker for determining colorectal origin of metastatic cancers.