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Imported falciparum Malaria Among Adults in the ICU

Imported falciparum Malaria Among Adults in the ICU

This article reviews available data to guide clinicians caring for adults with imported malaria in an intensive care unit.
Clinical Needs of Patients With Problem Drug Use

Clinical Needs of Patients With Problem Drug Use

Primary care physicians are often the first to care for individuals with substance use disorders, who often have multiple coexisting health problems. What factors influence their clinical needs?
Endometrial Hyperplasia in Epithelial Ovarian Cancer

Endometrial Hyperplasia in Epithelial Ovarian Cancer

How prevalent are endometrial premalignancies in women diagnosed with epithelial ovarian cancer?
Impact of LVF in Relation to Procedural Outcomes After PCI

Impact of LVF in Relation to Procedural Outcomes After PCI

Find out more about the association between LV function on early and late mortality outcomes in a national 'real-world' cohort.
Effective Public Health Program Implementation

Effective Public Health Program Implementation

How can clinicians work together to ensure that effective public health programs are in place to best serve patients?
Potential Risks and Prevention, Part 3

Potential Risks and Prevention, Part 3

Potential risk factors for and the preventability of drug-induced threats to life were studied.
Making Sense of Head Injuries in Young Athletes

Making Sense of Head Injuries in Young Athletes

What can practitioners do to reduce the risk of concussion for kids in sports?
Neuropsychiatric Adverse Events Associated With Varenicline

Neuropsychiatric Adverse Events Associated With Varenicline

Concerns about serious adverse effects with use of the tobacco cessation drug varenicline--including increased suicide risk--has warranted a "black box" warning by the FDA. Is the warning warranted?
Development of an NP-Managed Preoperative Orthopedic Clinic

Development of an NP-Managed Preoperative Orthopedic Clinic

Find out how surgical cancellations and lost revenue are affected with an NP-led preop clinic.
Estimating High-Priority Patients in the US With Chronic HCV

Estimating High-Priority Patients in the US With Chronic HCV

How many of the people infected with HCV in the United States would qualify for immediate treatment according to the 2014 guidelines?
Deprescribing: Polypharmacy in Nursing Home Residents

Deprescribing: Polypharmacy in Nursing Home Residents

The rewards and challenges of eliminating superfluous medications are many. Find out why these cut-backs are worth the effort.
Success With a Home BP Monitoring Program in Colorado

Success With a Home BP Monitoring Program in Colorado

This article reports on the success of a quality improvement initiative aimed to help primary care practices encourage use of home BP monitoring.
Unlabeled Uses of Botulinum Toxins: A Review, Part 2

Unlabeled Uses of Botulinum Toxins: A Review, Part 2

Botox is used for chronic anal fissure, pediatric spastic cerebral palsy, and poststroke spasticity. Generally well tolerated, the risks and benefits should be weighed before any unlabeled use.
The "Bedsheet" Babinski

The "Bedsheet" Babinski

Babinski's reflex has been regarded as the most important sign in clinical neurology and is perhaps the best known eponym in this discipline.
Geographic Variation of ALS Incidence in New Jersey

Geographic Variation of ALS Incidence in New Jersey

This epidemiological study investigates whether ALS incidence varies geographically or by area-based socioeconomic status.
Evaluating Anemia in Patients With Cancer

Evaluating Anemia in Patients With Cancer

Is the hemoglobin content of reticulocytes a useful marker to rule out iron deficiency anemia in patients with cancer?
Is the Health Burden Associated With Obesity Changing?

Is the Health Burden Associated With Obesity Changing?

Evidence suggests that, while some obesity-associated risks of mortality may have decreased over time, the relative morbidity risks of diabetes and disability may be increasing.
Transfusion-Transmitted Malaria in Sub-Saharan Africa

Transfusion-Transmitted Malaria in Sub-Saharan Africa

There is not a blood bank screening method that is practical, affordable and suitably sensitive for use in sub-Saharan Africa. Is there another method to prevent transfusion-transmitted malaria?
A Cultural Competency Course for Pharmacy Students

A Cultural Competency Course for Pharmacy Students

This course boosts cultural competency among pharmacy students and may help prepare them to provide patient-centered care in a culturally diverse world.
Low Body Temperature and Poor Outcomes in Heart Failure

Low Body Temperature and Poor Outcomes in Heart Failure

When's low body temperature an indicator of poor outcome -- in heart failure?