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Cost and QOL Estimates With Early vs Late Entry to HIV Care

Cost and QOL Estimates With Early vs Late Entry to HIV Care

Abstract and Introduction


Background: Lifetime costs of care and quality-of-life estimates for HIV-infected persons depend on the disease stage at which these persons are diagnosed, enter care, and start antiretroviral therapy. Updated estimates were used to analyze the effects of late versus early diagnosis/entry on US lifetime care costs, quality-of-life estimates, and HIV transmissions.

Methods: The Progression and Transmission of HIV/AIDS model was used to estimate discounted (3%) lifetime treatment costs ($US 2011) and quality-of-life variables from time of infection for cohorts of 10,000 HIV-infected index patients in 4 categories of CD4 count at diagnosis: (I) ≤200 cells/μL, (II) 201–350 cells/μL, (III) 351–500 cells/μL, and (IV) 501–900 cells/μL. It is assumed that index patient diagnoses were uniformly distributed across the CD4 count range in each category and that patients entered care at the time of diagnosis, remained in care, and were eligible to initiate antiretroviral therapy at a CD4 count of 500 cells/μL. Lifetime transmissions of the index patients were also estimated.

Results: Discounted average lifetime costs varied from $253,000 for category I index patients to $402,000 for category IV patients. Discounted quality-adjusted life years lost decreased from 7.95 to 4.45 across these categories, additional years of life expectancy increased from 30.8 to 38.1, and lifetime transmissions decreased from 1.40 to 0.72.

Conclusions: Early diagnosis and treatment of HIV infection increases lifetime costs but improves length and quality of life and reduces the number of new infections transmitted by nearly 50%.


The lifetime costs of care for HIV-infected persons are an important measure of the economic burden of the epidemic in the United States. Researchers use these estimates in economic evaluations of HIV prevention interventions to compare the cost of an intervention with the treatment costs saved from infections averted by the intervention. Lifetime costs have been estimated by incorporating different categories of treatment costs, extracted from hospital and clinic records of persons living with HIV, into simulations of HIV disease progression.

HIV lifetime costs of care depend on the disease stage at which HIV-infected persons are diagnosed, enter care, and start antiretroviral therapy (ART), and the extent to which they adhere to therapy and are retained in care. Early initiation (ie, at a higher CD4 count) of care and treatment confers benefits to the health of infected persons and significantly reduces the risk of onward transmission. Thus, HIV costs of care are linked with corresponding quality-of-life estimates for HIV-infected persons.

Using a disease progression model, we updated estimates of lifetime costs of care for HIV-infected persons in the United States with recent health care utilization and ART costs, and we analyzed the effects of timing of diagnosis, entry into care, and ART initiation on these costs and associated quality-of-life variables from the time of infection.

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