Health & Medical Health & Medicine Journal & Academic

Vortioxetine for Major Depressive Disorder

Vortioxetine for Major Depressive Disorder

Data Sources

Clinical trial information was accessed by online query on 7 August 2013 of, and for the search terms 'vortioxetine' and 'Lu AA21004'. No date or language constraints were utilised. The meeting agendas for the American College of Neuropsychopharmacology 51st Annual Meeting, Hollywood, Florida, 2–6 December 2012, American Psychiatric Association 166th Annual Meeting, San Francisco, California, 18–22 May 2013, and 53rd Annual NCDEU Meeting, Hollywood, Florida, 28–31 May 2013, were examined for mention of poster presentations regarding vortioxetine and copies of these posters were obtained from the manufacturer; the manufacturer was also asked to provide copies of any other posters of primary study results presented at other meetings. Information was also extracted from product labelling.

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