Health & Medicine Journal & Academic : Health & Medical

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Obesity and Alcohol in Hepatocellular Carcinoma Risk

Obesity and Alcohol in Hepatocellular Carcinoma Risk

This study aimed to examine whether obesity and alcohol were multiplicative or additive in increasing the risk of hepatocellular carcinoma.
Non-mycosis Fungoides Cutaneous T-cell Lymphomas

Non-mycosis Fungoides Cutaneous T-cell Lymphomas

Primary cutaneous CD30+ T-cell lymphoproliferative disorders and their differential diagnosis are highlighted in this report from the European Society for Hematopathology.
Is Double Coverage of Gram-Negative Organisms Necessary?

Is Double Coverage of Gram-Negative Organisms Necessary?

One drug may be enough to treat Pseudomonas aeruginosa.
Current Perspectives in Bladder Cancer Management

Current Perspectives in Bladder Cancer Management

This overview focuses on current best-evidence in the diagnosis and management of transitional cell carcinoma, which comprises over 90% of bladder cancers.
When Is an Organ Donor Not an Organ Donor?

When Is an Organ Donor Not an Organ Donor?

A 58-year-old man had properly documented his wish to be a postmortem organ donor; however, after his death, his family usurped his right to become an organ donor.
Reducing Ischaemia/Reperfusion-Induced Organ Injury

Reducing Ischaemia/Reperfusion-Induced Organ Injury

Ischemic conditioning strategies may reduce ischaemic/reperfusion injury.
Unemployment and Early Cause-Specific Mortality

Unemployment and Early Cause-Specific Mortality

Being unemployed can increase the risk of an early death, according to this study of twins.
Optimal Targets in Treatment of Hypertension

Optimal Targets in Treatment of Hypertension

At what systolic blood pressure threshold should antihypertensive medications be adjusted? Does delay in treatment increase cardiovascular events?
Disease Progression in Myeloproliferative Neoplasms

Disease Progression in Myeloproliferative Neoplasms

This paper examines the variability of disease progression in chronic myelogenous leukemia and several other myeloproliferative neoplasms, highlighted staging and diagnostic approaches.
Consent to Autopsy: Are NHS Trusts Falling Short?

Consent to Autopsy: Are NHS Trusts Falling Short?

It is well documented that the autopsy has been in decline for decades -- but the reasons are unclear. Do inadequate consent practices play a significant role?
Severity of Maternal HIV Disease and Adverse Birth Outcomes

Severity of Maternal HIV Disease and Adverse Birth Outcomes

Is the severity of maternal HIV infection associated with low birth weight or preterm delivery?
Changes in LDL Cholesterol Levels After Acute MI

Changes in LDL Cholesterol Levels After Acute MI

The findings of this study support the use of intensive statin therapy in post-MI patients to reduce the risk of recurrent ischemic events and death.
Survey of Academic Pediatric Hospitalist Programs in the US

Survey of Academic Pediatric Hospitalist Programs in the US

Pediatric hospital medicine is a relatively new field that has been growing rapidly over the past 20 years. This study examined the current status of academic PHM programs in the US.
Thienopyridine Pretreatment in Non-ST Elevation ACS

Thienopyridine Pretreatment in Non-ST Elevation ACS

Dual antiplatelet therapy with aspirin and a P2Y12 receptor inhibitor has been standard treatment of non-ST elevation acute coronary syndrome. Is the risk of bleeding worth the benefit?
Dairy-Food and Vitamin D Intake in Endometriosis

Dairy-Food and Vitamin D Intake in Endometriosis

Is endometriosis risk influenced by dietary vitamin D intake?
Undiagnosed Hematopoietic Neoplasms Discovered at Autopsy

Undiagnosed Hematopoietic Neoplasms Discovered at Autopsy

This case series describes six patients with hematopoietic neoplasms that were only identified at autopsy, highlighting the value of a traditional autopsy in establishing a correct diagnosis.
Basal Encephalocele in a Patient With Minor Anomalies

Basal Encephalocele in a Patient With Minor Anomalies

A case of adult basal encephalocele is diagnosed after physicians investigate the presence of minor anomalies.
Designing and Evaluating Patient Safety Improvement Programs

Designing and Evaluating Patient Safety Improvement Programs

What are the most effective ways to evaluate patient safety in a healthcare setting? This new study focuses specifically on a logic model to determine safety in intensive care units.
Acute Tubulointerstitial Nephritis in Legionnaires' Disease

Acute Tubulointerstitial Nephritis in Legionnaires' Disease

This case highlights the importance of kidney biopsies in cases where acute renal failure is a complicating factor in Legionnaires' disease.
Cluster Headache With Ptosis Responds to Intranasal Lidocaine

Cluster Headache With Ptosis Responds to Intranasal Lidocaine

Can a topical administration of lidocaine applied nasally provide relief from cluster headache?