Current Approaches to Diagnosis and Management of Rhinitis
Using a systemic approach with a careful history and physical examination, physicians can effectively manage the various forms of rhinitis and determine when specialist referral is warranted.
Prevention and Treatment of Cytomegalovirus Disease
Cytomegalovirus (CMV) is a ubiquitous herpesvirus that persists indefinitely after primary infection, usually in a latent form in various tissues (e.g., kidney, liver, lung).
Going Digital With Patients: Potential Liability Risks
Patients are increasingly using electronic tools such as personal health records and mobile applications to track details about their health. Should you be concerned about liability?
Epidemiologic Interactions, Complexity, and Death
Revisiting the fate of von Pettenkofer's cholera theory with modern lenses can benefit today's quest for deciphering the causes of complex associations.
Exercise and Metabolic Demand in HF With Preserved EF
Exercise intolerance is a hallmark of heart failure with preserved ejection fraction, but what are the mechanisms at work?
erb-b2 Amplification by Fluorescence In Situ Hybridization
Determination of erb-b2 status by FISH in cases scored 2+ immunohistochemically is strongly recommended.
The Safety of Yoga: A Meta-analysis of RCTs
The practice of yoga is gaining increased popularity among the general public, but how safe is it?
Clinical Progression of Small Monoclonal Abnormalities
The authors report on their laboratory and clinical experience in assessing persistence and progression of monoclonal gammopathy of undetermined significance via immunofixation electrophoresis.
The Disruptive Force of Lateral Violence in the Health Care Setting
Learn more about lateral violence consequences and prevention strategies.
Summary of the Executive Session on Emergency Preparedness
The US medical disaster-response system rose to the occasion after recent events but there is much room for improvement.
Cholecystectomy for Biliary Dyskinesia in Gastroparesis
Is surgery being overused in cases of biliary dyskinesia, especially where the diagnosis is unclear?
User Satisfaction With an Intravenous Medication Safety System
Pharmacists and nurses reported favorable experiences with electronic infusion devices that could prevent many medication errors.
Using Information Technology to Screen for Adverse Events
The issue of medication safety came into the public's consciousness with publication of two key Institute of Medicine reports. The first suggested that medical errors kill thousands of people per year -- more than from suicides, highway accidents, breast cancer, or AIDS.
Infectious Mononucleosis Caused by Epstein-Barr Virus
Infection with Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) has diverse clinical manifestations. In children, EBV infection is often asymptomatic, whereas in adolescents and young adults, it classically appears as infectious mononucleosis with fever, lymphadenopathy, and pharyngitis.
Detection of BRAF Mutations Through Cell Transfer Technique
Is cell transfer technique a reliable method for isolating tumor cells for ancillary BRAF mutation analysis?
Counterfeit Medications and Their Negative Impacts on Health Care
The global problem of drug counterfeiting even has ties to organized crime. What can be done to counteract this serious safety issue?
Arthroplasty: Effects of a Patient Blood Management Program
Could preoperative hemoglobin concentration predict arthroplasty outcome?
Dismissing the Noncompliant: Is This What We've Come To?
When noncompliant patients become a liability to individual providers is it acceptable to dismiss them?
p16INK4a Cytology vs HPV Testing for Detecting High-Grade Cervical Disease
An evaluation of p16 immunocytochemical testing for the efficient triage of ASC-US and LSIL cytologic results.
Teaching Clinical Skills Using Human Patient Simulation
Can use of patient simulation in colleges improve critical thinking skills?