Health & Medicine Journal & Academic : Health & Medical

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Correlation of High BMI and Prostate Cancer

Correlation of High BMI and Prostate Cancer

Should prostate cancer screening algorithms and preoperative nomograms include BMI as a variable?
Supporting Preventive Dentistry Initiatives for Physicians

Supporting Preventive Dentistry Initiatives for Physicians

Could preventive dental services offered by non-dental healthcare providers help to improve access to oral healthcare for children?
Imaging to Select and Guide TAVI

Imaging to Select and Guide TAVI

Get a critical appraisal on the use of imaging for patient selection and procedure guidance in TAVI.
Sarcopenia: What Every NP Needs to Know

Sarcopenia: What Every NP Needs to Know

Counseling the individual with sarcopenia about exercise and a healthy diet may prevent further deterioration in health, falls, fractures, frailty, and a loss of independent living.
Case-Control Study of Diabetes Mellitus in HIV-Infected Patients

Case-Control Study of Diabetes Mellitus in HIV-Infected Patients

Learn more about the complex interaction among genetic factors, body composition, and liver injury in the pathogenesis of DM in HIV-infected patients.
Core Needle Biopsy Specificity in Suspicious Thyroid Nodules

Core Needle Biopsy Specificity in Suspicious Thyroid Nodules

The usual diagnostic procedure of a thyroid nodule is ultrasound-guided FNA biopsy, but results can be inconclusive. Can core-needle biopsy improve diagnosis?
Diabetic Foot: Evaluation and Management

Diabetic Foot: Evaluation and Management

The most cost-effective way of preventing diabetic foot disease and amputation is to inhibit ulcer formation.
Challenges in Ordering and Interpreting Clinical Lab Tests

Challenges in Ordering and Interpreting Clinical Lab Tests

The number and complexity of clinical laboratory tests is rapidly expanding. What challenges does this create for primary care physicians and what solutions may be available?
Interpretation of Laboratory Thyroid Function Tests

Interpretation of Laboratory Thyroid Function Tests

Can the presence of antibodies in some autoimmune diseases interfere with the accuracy of thyroid hormone tests?
Surgical Safety Checklists

Surgical Safety Checklists

Surgical checklists can make a substantial difference to patient safety, but implementation requires flexibility.
Preventing Malaria in HIV-Infected Pregnant Women

Preventing Malaria in HIV-Infected Pregnant Women

Which drug regimen provides the most effective protection against malaria in HIV+ pregnant women?
Training Hospitalists to Address the Intensivist Shortage

Training Hospitalists to Address the Intensivist Shortage

This position paper from the Society of Critical Care Medicine and the Society of Hospital Medicine recommends a rigorous training program for hospitalists to augment intensivist care in US hospitals.
Chronic Pain After Surgery

Chronic Pain After Surgery

Which factors can contribute to the development of chronic postsurgical pain, and what strategies are helpful in preventing this complication?
Perforation of Meckel's Diverticulum by a Fish Bone

Perforation of Meckel's Diverticulum by a Fish Bone

This patient entered the operating room for an appendectomy, but the surgeons found something much more unusual.
Positive Findings on Bone Scan in Multiple Myeloma

Positive Findings on Bone Scan in Multiple Myeloma

Review the role of skeletal surveys and bone scintigraphy in the diagnosis of skeletal lesions in myeloma.
Diuretic Response in Acute Heart Failure

Diuretic Response in Acute Heart Failure

Find out what factors have the greatest impact on the effectiveness of diuretics in acute heart failure.
Neutralizing Antibodies to HPV in HIV-Positive MSM

Neutralizing Antibodies to HPV in HIV-Positive MSM

How should previous exposure to HPV be measured in HIV-positive men to determine who might benefit from HPV vaccination for anal cancer?
Safety and Effectiveness of Sitagliptin in Type 2 Diabetes

Safety and Effectiveness of Sitagliptin in Type 2 Diabetes

How does treatment with sitagliptin compare with other glucose lowering agents in terms of outcomes and risk of adverse events in diabetic patients?
Activated Cell Survival Cascade in Tako-Tsubo Cardiomyopathy

Activated Cell Survival Cascade in Tako-Tsubo Cardiomyopathy

This study identifies a metabolic pathway, linked to emotional or physical stress, that plays a pivotal role in Tako-Tsubo cardiomyopathy.
Combined Oral Contraceptives and Venous Thromboembolism Risk

Combined Oral Contraceptives and Venous Thromboembolism Risk

Does the latest generation of contraceptive pills carry a higher risk of venous thromboembolism then previous formulations?